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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Asian

Reducing Cancer Screening Disparities in Medicare Beneficiaries Through Cancer Patient Navigation
Features a study of an intervention to counter the cancer screening disparities of Native Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Islander Medicare beneficiaries in rural Hawaii. Breaks down data by race, age, and comorbidity, among other factors.
Author(s): Kathryn L. Braun, William L. Thomas Jr, Jermy‐Leigh B. Domingo, et al.
Citation: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 63(2), 365-370
Date: 02/2015
Type: Document
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Mapping an Emerging National Health Equity Network
Results of an online survey of 256 organizations, conducted from April 2013-May 2014, providing basic demographics and information about partnerships which help advance the health and well-being of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities.
Date: 08/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, Social Policy Research Associates, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
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Gender Differences in the Use of Drug Resistance Strategies: An Analysis of Rural Asian/Pacific Islander Youth
Examines the differences between multi-ethnic male and female youth from the Island of Hawaii regarding their use of drug resistance strategies, and the implications for health promotion and drug prevention policies.
Author(s): Scott K. Okamoto, Suzanne Pel, Susana Helm, Jessica K. Valdez
Citation: Health Promotion Practice, 15(4), 568-574
Date: 07/2014
Type: Document
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Safety and Health Hazard Observations in Hmong Farming Operations
Discusses the results of a study using an observation-based methodology for assessing the occupational health and safety hazards found in small-scale Hmong agricultural operations. Study also established the usefulness of using standardized assessment tools to evaluate farm safety and health hazards.
Author(s): R. L. Neitzel, J. Krenz, MS, A. B. de Castro
Citation: Journal of Agromedicine, 19(2), 130-149
Date: 2014
Type: Document
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Health Literacy, Health Communication Challenges, and Cancer Screening among Rural Native Hawaiian and Filipino Women
Details a study based on 6 focus groups with Native Hawaiian and Filipino women in rural Hawaii. Breaks down participants' data by cancer screening history, family and personal history with cancer, self-reported health literacy, and demographic information, such as race, age, educational attainment, and marital status, among others. Also discusses cultural competency and language barriers.
Author(s): Tetine Sentell, May Rose Dela Cruz, Hyun Hee Heo, Katheryn Braun
Citation: Journal of Cancer Education, 28(2), 325-334
Date: 06/2013
Type: Document
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More than Black and White: Differences in Predictors of Obesity among Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders and European Americans
Analyzes predictors of obesity in rural Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Asian American, and European American undergraduate students by examining body mass index (BMI), exercise frequency, symptoms of psychiatric disorders, health outcomes, health status, and health behaviors.
Author(s): Alok Madan, Olga G. Archambeau, Vanessa A. Milsom, et al.
Citation: Obesity, 20(6), 1325-1328
Date: 06/2012
Type: Document
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Tuberculosis in Indigenous Peoples in the U.S., 2003-2008
Examines trends and epidemiology of TB, showing disparities across racial/ethnic groups in the United States, with focus on American Indian/Alaska Native populations as a group and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander populations as a group. Features statistical breakdowns including sex, age group, TB case rates, social and behavioral characteristics, and treatment characteristics.
Author(s): Emily Bloss, Timothy H. Holtz, John Jereb, et al.
Citation: Public Health Reports, 126(5)
Date: 09/2011
Type: Document
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Impact of Medicaid Managed Care, Race/Ethnicity, and Rural/Urban Residence on Potentially Avoidable Maternity Complications: A Five-State Multi-level Analysis
Reports findings from a study that examined pregnancy-related complications using Potentially Avoidable Maternity Complications as an indicator of access. Analyzes pregnancy complication risks among women receiving Medicaid, looking at rural/urban hospital location, race/ethnicity of the mother, and Medicaid managed care (MMC) compared to Medicaid fee-for-service (MFFS).
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Sarah B. Laditka, James N. Laditka, Kevin J. Bennett, Janice C. Probst
Date: 12/2004
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Rural Populations and Health Care Providers: A Map Book
A collection of maps showing the geographic distribution of rural populations and the healthcare providers that serve them.
Author(s): Randy K. Randolph, Katherine Gaul, Rebecca T. Slifkin
Date: 2002
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Minorities in Rural America
Describes the rural minority population, with demographic data and information on the economic structure and health resources available in rural minority communities. Includes separate chapters focused on rural African American, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian and Pacific Islander populations.
Author(s): Janice C. Probst, Michael E. Samuels, Kristen P. Jespersen, et al.
Date: 2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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