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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Asian

Rural Health Research Recap: Maternal Health Disparities: An Intersection of Race and Rurality
Summarizes recent research from Rural Health Research Centers examining the loss of hospital-based obstetric services and racial/ethnic disparities surrounding maternal and infant health. Features statistics on percent of counties which lost obstetric services from 2014-2018 with breakdowns by 4 levels of population density, annual births at hospitals providing obstetric services from 2010-2018 by rurality, percent of rural counties without obstetric services in 2019, and rates of preterm birth by race/ethnicity and rurality from 2012-2018.
Author(s): Per Ostmo, Jessica Rosencrans
Date: 10/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Research Gateway
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Evaluating Disparities in Traffic Fatalities by Race, Ethnicity, and Income
Describes disparities in traffic safety among different race-ethnicity groups and income rates, based on fatal police-reported motor vehicle traffic crashes from 2014-2018 on public roadways. Explores the effect of risky behaviors on fatalities including alcohol use, restraint use, handheld electronic device use, and speeding. Features statistics including distribution of traffic fatalities by race-ethnicity in 2018, with breakdowns by urban and rural areas.
Author(s): Donna Glassbrenner, Gabrielle Herbert, Leah Reish, Caitlin Webb, Tonja Lindsey
Date: 09/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
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Increased Rates of Death from Unintentional Injury among Non-Hispanic White, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Non-Metropolitan Communities
Examines the rate of fatal and nonfatal injuries in non-metropolitan and metropolitan areas, and the association with race/ethnicity. Uses information from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey public use datafile for 2018. Features statistics including estimated rate of nonfatal unintentional injuries among people seeking treatment at hospitals, deaths from unintentional injuries, and age-adjusted death rates for all causes of unintentional injury from 2014-2018, with breakdowns by metropolitan and non-metropolitan location.
Author(s): Lindsey R. Hammerslag, Jeffery Talbert, Tyrone F. Borders
Date: 07/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
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Population Characteristics Release Updates: Explore the Estimates, County Population by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin
Visualization that provides detailed information on each county's age and sex structure and population by race and ethnicity, as well as total county population and median age.
Additional links: A State's Median Age Does Not Tell The Whole Story: New Census Bureau Visualization Shows Broad Variations in Age Structure By State and County
Date: 07/2022
Type: Chart/Graph
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage, by Race and Ethnicity — National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module, United States, December 2020–November 2021
Examines disparities in COVID-19 vaccination coverage by race and ethnicity among U.S. adults during December 2020–November 2021. Includes data by race/ethnicity for those living in metropolitan and nonmetro areas.
Author(s): Jennifer L. Kriss, Mei-Chuan Hung, Anup Srivastav, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 71(23), 757-763
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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The Racial and Ethnic Diversity of the Family Physician Workforce in Non-Metropolitan and Metropolitan Counties
Policy brief exploring distribution of family physicians (FPs) in rural areas by race/ethnicity and whether rural minority physicians were more likely to work in underserved rural areas. Features statistics on characteristics of early career FPs practicing outpatient care from 2017-2019, with breakdowns by metropolitan, micropolitan, and non-core non-metropolitan location, and race of FPs practicing in persistent poverty or primary care Health Professional Shortage Areas, by stage in career.
Author(s): Lars E. Peterson, Zachary J. Morgan
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
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Race/Ethnicity, Urbanization, and Unintentional Injury Death
Poster presentation from the National Rural Health Association 2022 annual conference, showing potential interactions between race/ethnicity and nonmetro residency as risk factors for unintentional injury death. Features statistics including unintentional injury deaths in 2018, stratified age-adjusted death rates and rate ratios, and unintentional injury death rates by cause, all with breakdowns by metro or nonmetro location.
Author(s): Lindsey R. Hammerslag, Ty Borders, Jeffery Talbert
Date: 05/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
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Growing Racial Diversity in Rural America: Results from the 2020 Census
Describes growing diversity of the nonmetropolitan population from 2010-2020 as a reflection of differential patterns of demographic change among racial and ethnic sub-groups in rural America. Features statistics on the nonmetropolitan population by race and age group, and county-level maps of the U.S. showing racial diversity among adults and children ages 0-17.
Author(s): Kenneth Johnson, Daniel Lichter
Date: 05/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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Racial/Ethnic Differences in Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences Across Rural Communities: Results from the National Survey of Children's Health
Policy brief examining racial/ethnic differences in adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and positive childhood experiences (PCEs) exposure across rural communities. Features statistics on proportion of ACEs among rural children ages 6-17 by count, and ACEs and PCEs among rural children stratified by race/ethnicity
Author(s): Elizabeth Crouch, Sylvia Shi, Katherine Kelly, et al.
Date: 05/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Racial and Ethnic Differences in Rural-Urban Trends in 5-Year Survival of Patients With Lung, Prostate, Breast, and Colorectal Cancers: 1975-2011 Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)
Results of a cross-sectional study of 3,659,417 cancer patients, using an epidemiological assessment of 1975-2011 data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database. Features demographics and statistics with breakdowns by type of cancer, race or ethnicity, and urban or rural location.
Author(s): Marquita W. Lewis-Thames, Marvin E. Langston, Saira Khan, et al.
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 5(5)
Date: 05/2022
Type: Document
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