Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Aging and aging-related services
National Community Care Corps Supporting Healthy Community Living: 2022-2023 Grantee Snapshots
Overview of funded projects related to volunteer programs intended to assist family caregivers, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Projects include training, respite, transportation, home modification, and more. Includes rural specific projects.
Date: 2023
Sponsoring organization: Community Care Corps
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Overview of funded projects related to volunteer programs intended to assist family caregivers, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Projects include training, respite, transportation, home modification, and more. Includes rural specific projects.
Date: 2023
Sponsoring organization: Community Care Corps
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2023 Chartbook: More Older Adults, More Complex Needs: Trends and New Directions from the National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging
A chartbook offering data from the 2022 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging. Rural topics discussed include transportation grants, social engagement, and areas served by Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). Also discusses AAAs services, housing, workforce and staffing, COVID-19, and more.
Date: 2023
Sponsoring organizations: Miami University, Scripps Gerontology Center, USAging
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A chartbook offering data from the 2022 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging. Rural topics discussed include transportation grants, social engagement, and areas served by Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). Also discusses AAAs services, housing, workforce and staffing, COVID-19, and more.
Date: 2023
Sponsoring organizations: Miami University, Scripps Gerontology Center, USAging
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2023 Wyoming Healthy Aging Data Report
A report covering the aging population in Wyoming using the American Community Survey. Includes information on the distribution of the 65 and older population, elderly in frontier areas, chronic diseases, social determinants of health, race, income, broadband, and more. Includes county profiles and maps on healthy aging indicators.
Date: 2023
Sponsoring organization: Point32Health Foundation
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A report covering the aging population in Wyoming using the American Community Survey. Includes information on the distribution of the 65 and older population, elderly in frontier areas, chronic diseases, social determinants of health, race, income, broadband, and more. Includes county profiles and maps on healthy aging indicators.
Date: 2023
Sponsoring organization: Point32Health Foundation
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Developing a Local MPA to Address the Needs of Older & Disabled Adults in Rural Communities
Recording of a December 2022 webinar highlighting three coalitions in California that are developing local Master Plans for Aging (MPAs) to address the challenges of aging in rural communities. Discusses the steps the coalitions are taking to develop their MPAs, including forming advisory committees, gathering community input, identifying potential action items, planning for implementation and sustainability, and more. Transcript available in the video description.
Date: 12/2022
Sponsoring organization: California Collaborative for Long Term Services and Supports
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Recording of a December 2022 webinar highlighting three coalitions in California that are developing local Master Plans for Aging (MPAs) to address the challenges of aging in rural communities. Discusses the steps the coalitions are taking to develop their MPAs, including forming advisory committees, gathering community input, identifying potential action items, planning for implementation and sustainability, and more. Transcript available in the video description.
Date: 12/2022
Sponsoring organization: California Collaborative for Long Term Services and Supports
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Ownership of Skilled Nursing Facilities: An Analysis of Newly-Released Federal Data
Analyzes the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) dataset on the ownership of all U.S. skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) enrolled in Medicare. Examines 15,151 nursing homes by for-profit, nonprofit, or government controlled; organizational structure; affiliated entity by SNF size, Medicare and Medicaid certified versus Medicare-only certified, and rural versus urban location. Includes data on the 10 largest SNF chains and their distribution of SNFs across the U.S.
Author(s): W. Pete Welch, Iara Oliveira, Martin Blanco, Benjamin D. Sommers
Date: 12/2022
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Analyzes the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) dataset on the ownership of all U.S. skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) enrolled in Medicare. Examines 15,151 nursing homes by for-profit, nonprofit, or government controlled; organizational structure; affiliated entity by SNF size, Medicare and Medicaid certified versus Medicare-only certified, and rural versus urban location. Includes data on the 10 largest SNF chains and their distribution of SNFs across the U.S.
Author(s): W. Pete Welch, Iara Oliveira, Martin Blanco, Benjamin D. Sommers
Date: 12/2022
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Social Determinants of Health in the Age of COVID: Effects of Social Isolation Among Adults 62+ in Rural Pennsylvania
Results of a study analyzing the extent of social isolation among rural Pennsylvanians aged 62 or older during the pandemic, evaluating determinants of social isolation, identifying programs and services that minimize social isolation, and assessing potential replicability in Pennsylvania. Includes sections on factors such as mental health access, faith-based organizations, transportation, technology use, and housing options.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Christopher Harris, FangHsun Wei, Mary Rita Weller, Kelly Smith
Date: 11/2022
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
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Results of a study analyzing the extent of social isolation among rural Pennsylvanians aged 62 or older during the pandemic, evaluating determinants of social isolation, identifying programs and services that minimize social isolation, and assessing potential replicability in Pennsylvania. Includes sections on factors such as mental health access, faith-based organizations, transportation, technology use, and housing options.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Christopher Harris, FangHsun Wei, Mary Rita Weller, Kelly Smith
Date: 11/2022
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
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Bringing Community Voice into Cross-Sector Data Sharing: Supporting Aging Populations in Rural Utah
A case study that discusses a partnership between healthcare and social care entities involved with the Learning and Action in Policy and Partnerships (LAPP) initiative to implement data sharing and patient record digitization. Discusses the impact on senior care in rural Utah to improve data sharing that is culturally appropriate for tribal populations.
Date: 11/2022
Sponsoring organizations: Center for Health Care Strategies, Data Across Sectors for Health
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A case study that discusses a partnership between healthcare and social care entities involved with the Learning and Action in Policy and Partnerships (LAPP) initiative to implement data sharing and patient record digitization. Discusses the impact on senior care in rural Utah to improve data sharing that is culturally appropriate for tribal populations.
Date: 11/2022
Sponsoring organizations: Center for Health Care Strategies, Data Across Sectors for Health
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Who Will Care for Rural Older Adults? Measuring the Direct Care Workforce in Rural Areas
Policy brief examining existing disparities in the supply of home health aides and nursing assistants in rural areas compared to urban areas. Features statistics on the ratio of home health aides and nursing assistants relative to the population of adults age 65 and above, with breakdowns by urban and rural areas and by census region.
Author(s): Janette Dill, Carrie Henning-Smith, Rongxuan Zhu, Elizabeth Vomacka
Date: 11/2022
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Policy brief examining existing disparities in the supply of home health aides and nursing assistants in rural areas compared to urban areas. Features statistics on the ratio of home health aides and nursing assistants relative to the population of adults age 65 and above, with breakdowns by urban and rural areas and by census region.
Author(s): Janette Dill, Carrie Henning-Smith, Rongxuan Zhu, Elizabeth Vomacka
Date: 11/2022
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Patterns of Health Care Use among Rural-Urban Medicare Beneficiaries Age 85 and Older, 2010-2017
Policy brief examining how rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries age 85+ differ in terms of their socioeconomic and health characteristics that may inform healthcare use. Features statistics on trends in healthcare use, including inpatient and emergency department care, outpatient and prescription services, specialists and dentists, and home health and durable medical equipment, with breakdowns by urban and rural location.
Author(s): Yvonne Jonk, Heidi O'Connor, Amanda Burgess, Carly Milkowski
Date: 11/2022
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Policy brief examining how rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries age 85+ differ in terms of their socioeconomic and health characteristics that may inform healthcare use. Features statistics on trends in healthcare use, including inpatient and emergency department care, outpatient and prescription services, specialists and dentists, and home health and durable medical equipment, with breakdowns by urban and rural location.
Author(s): Yvonne Jonk, Heidi O'Connor, Amanda Burgess, Carly Milkowski
Date: 11/2022
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Ohio 2023-2026 State Plan on Aging
Highlights the state's health, equity, and justice goals for aging Ohioans. Notes priorities in the areas of community conditions, healthy living, access to care, social connectedness, population health, and preserving independence including those of particular importance to rural or Appalachian residents.
Date: 10/2022
Sponsoring organization: Ohio Department of Aging
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Highlights the state's health, equity, and justice goals for aging Ohioans. Notes priorities in the areas of community conditions, healthy living, access to care, social connectedness, population health, and preserving independence including those of particular importance to rural or Appalachian residents.
Date: 10/2022
Sponsoring organization: Ohio Department of Aging
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