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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Access

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Statewide Broadband Plan
Outlines goals and strategies to expand broadband access to rural and underserved areas of Pennsylvania. Describes importance of broadband in providing adequate, reliable emergency services, and enhancing tools to ensure access to healthcare services.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development
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Seeking Solutions: Dental Health and Disabilities in Indiana
Assesses needs of Indianans related to dental health and disabilities utilizing information gained from secondary research as well as interviews, focus groups, and surveys. Includes statistics on those with healthcare needs, explanation of report framework, and literature review covering availability, accessibility, accommodation, acceptability, and affordability of services. Includes case studies focused on rural areas.
Author(s): Megan Wilkinson, Angel Winchester, Alysia Marshall-Seslar, Lettie Haver, Barbie Vartanian
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: AWS Foundation, Delta Dental Foundation, McMillen Health
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The Living Conditions of Elderly in Nonmetro Illinois and East North Central Division of the Midwest Region
Research brief that provides data on the living conditions for elderly populations in Illinois. Includes statistics and data broken down by metro and nonmetro areas, including demographic information, self-reported ambulatory difficulties, and housing status, accommodations, and quality. Appendix 1 compares changes in elderly population from 2010 to 2020 by metro and nonmetro county.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs
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Understanding Barriers to COVID-19 Testing Among Rural and Urban Populations in Kansas
Highlights a study on the barriers to COVID-19 testing in rural and urban Kansas. Bases conclusions on the results of a 2021 survey of 2,196 Kansans and highlights reported barriers such as perceived pain of the test, unsure of where to receive testing, and not wanting to test positive, among other factors.
Author(s): Vicki L. Collie-Akers, Elizabeth Ablah, Sarah Landry, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 112(S9), S874-S877
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Demonstration Program: Report to Congress, 2021
Provides an overview of the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) demonstration. Offers a summary of the findings from the prior annual reports on the CCBHC demonstration, a comparison of cost and quality in the first two demonstration years, and the results of impact analyses. This is the fifth annual report to Congress on the CCBHC demonstration.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Mathematica
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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Rural Health Clinics' Operations and Cancer Prevention and Control Efforts
Findings brief describing a study surveying 150 Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) to examine how COVID-19 has affected their overall operations and provision of cancer prevention and control services. Includes statistics on pandemic-related clinic-level stressors and on percentage of sampled RHCs providing cancer prevention and control services before and after March 2020.
Author(s): Whitney E. Zahnd, Allie F. Silverman, Stella Self, et al.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Geospatial Analysis of Access to Health Care and Internet Services in the US
Study examining access to healthcare and internet services based on 2015-2019 American Community Survey data. Discusses implementations of findings for telemedicine expansion and the need for improved internet access to address rural-urban health disparities.
Author(s): Emefah C. Loccoh, Amanda Nguyen, Gaeun Kim, Haider J. Warraich
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 5(11), e2243792
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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Improving the Oral Health of Rural Veterans
Report explores rural veterans' access to oral healthcare. Compares the oral health of rural and urban veterans, highlights barriers to oral healthcare in rural areas, and makes recommendations for expanding access to oral healthcare.
Author(s): Annaliese Cothron, Hayam Megally, Don Clermont
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: CareQuest Institute for Oral Health
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Relationships Matter: How Usual is the Usual Source of (Primary) Care?
Explores trends in usual source of care (USC), with statistics on patient characteristics associated with USC and percent of the U.S. population with a USC, with breakdowns by payer type, race/ethnicity, and types of USC. Discusses shortages of primary care physicians in rural areas, and strategies for attracting, retaining, and diversifying primary care physicians in rural and underserved areas.
Author(s): Yalda Jabbarpour, Ann Greiner, Anuradha Jetty, et al.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Primary Care Collaborative, Robert Graham Center
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Who Will Care for Rural Older Adults? Measuring the Direct Care Workforce in Rural Areas
Policy brief examining existing disparities in the supply of home health aides and nursing assistants in rural areas compared to urban areas. Features statistics on the ratio of home health aides and nursing assistants relative to the population of adults age 65 and above, with breakdowns by urban and rural areas and by census region.
Author(s): Janette Dill, Carrie Henning-Smith, Rongxuan Zhu, Elizabeth Vomacka
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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