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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Access

Changes in the Healthcare Safety Net 1992-2003: Disparities in Access for Uninsured Persons in Florida
Discusses how the closing of safety net hospitals or conversion from a public or nonprofit to a for-profit status and the increase in community health centers affected access to care for urban and rural uninsured in Florida. Provides patient statistics by time period for race/ethnicity, age group, sex, safety net events, and more.
Author(s): Tzy-Mey Kuo, Lee R. Mobley, Gloria J. Bazzoli
Citation: International Journal of Health Services, 43(3), 551-566
Date: 2013
Type: Document
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Improving Access to Specialized Care: The Telehealth Kidney Transplant Clinic at the Iowa City VAMC
Profiles the Telehealth Transplant Clinic at the Iowa City Veterans Affairs Medical Center and their actions to reduce travel time and costs for kidney transplant patients by allowing them to receive annual follow-up exams remotely using telehealth services.
Author(s): Roberto Kalil, Christie Thomas, Carol Winetroub, Stacey Abel
Date: 2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Rural Health Resource Centers
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Evolving Trends in Maternal Fetal Medicine Referrals in a Rural State Using Telemedicine
Presents the results of a study using Arkansas Medicaid claims and birth certificate data from 2001-2006 to make an assessment of maternal fetal medicine (MFM) referrals and consultations from face-to-face interaction to telemedicine over time in a rural population. Discusses the formation of ANGELS (Antenatal and Neonatal Guidelines, Education and Learning Systems) to improve obstetrical care in rural Arkansas and to improve appropriate referrals to MFM specialists.
Author(s): Everett F. Magann, Janet Bronstein, Samantha S. McKelvey, et al.
Citation: Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 286(6)
Date: 12/2012
Type: Document
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Rural-Urban Differences in Dental Service Use among Children Enrolled in a Private Dental Insurance Plan in Wisconsin: Analysis of Administrative Data
Highlights the rural-urban differences in dental services utilization for children with private dental insurance in Wisconsin. Compares data from several versions of rural, urban, and suburban areas. Breaks down data by age group and type of procedures sought.
Author(s): Pradeep Bhagavatula, Qun Xiang, Aniko Szabo, et al.
Citation: BMC Oral Health, 12, 58
Date: 12/2012
Type: Document
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Summary Health Statistics for the U.S. Population: National Health Interview Survey, 2011
Summarizes data from the 2011 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), and includes estimates on various health measures of the U.S. population such as health status, special education, early intervention services, health insurance coverage, injury, health care access, and limitations in activities. Includes some data by place of residence for large metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), small MSAs, and nonmetro (not in an MSA) areas.
Author(s): Patricia F. Adams, Whitney K. Kirzinger, Michael E. Martinez
Date: 12/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2011
Presents health statistics from the 2011 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for the civilian noninstitutionalized adult population. Includes statistics on health conditions, health-related behaviors, and access to care. Includes data for rural and urban areas.
Date: 12/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Refinement of an Educational Toolkit to Promote Cervical Cancer Screening among Hispanic Immigrant Women in Rural Southern Georgia
Describes a collaborative project using promotoras to develop and refine a Spanish language educational flipchart promoting cervical cancer screening and related topics for low-income, Hispanic farmworker women in rural southeast Georgia.
Author(s): Lisa C. Watson-Johnson, Jigar Bhagatwala, Claudia Reyes-Garcia, et al.
Citation: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 23(4), 1704-1711
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Predictors of Access to Healthcare: What Matters to Rural Appalachians?
Examines a rural Appalachian community's perceived access to healthcare and identifies the predictors of access to healthcare in a poor, rural, medically undeserved area.
Author(s): Susan L. Wilson, Cynthia Kratzke, Jill Hoxmeier
Citation: Global Journal of Health Science, 4(6), 23-35
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Rural Older Adults' Mental Health: Status and Challenges in Care Delivery
Examines the mental health service needs of, and use by, independently living rural older adults, with a focus on depression.
Author(s): Emilee Bocker, Michael Glasser, Kimberly Nielsen, Vicki Weidenbacher-Hoper
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12, 2199
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Main Challenges Facing the Pharmaceutical Sector in Buchanan County, Virginia: A Pilot Study
Discusses the challenges facing the pharmaceutical component of rural community health care. Provides suggestions for improving the sector in Buchanan County, Virginia, a poor and marginalized area in Central Appalachia.
Author(s): Paul Gavaza, Wenfei Yan, Jennifer Campbell
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12(4), 2125
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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