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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Access

Realizing the Promise of Telehealth for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Describes how telehealth can improve access for children with special healthcare needs in California, particularly those living in rural areas. Provides an overview of California's telehealth policies, and describes how telehealth is being used in the state to meet the needs of this population.
Author(s): Jacob Vigil, Jenny Kattlove, Rebecca Litman, et al.
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: The Children's Partnership
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Grandparent Caregiving Among Rural African Americans in a Community in the American South: Challenges to Health and Wellbeing
Findings from an interview-based qualitative study analyzing grandparent caregiving among low-income, African American grandmothers in rural Georgia, and discusses the challenges to their health associated with child caregiving.
Author(s): Emmanuel Clottey, Alison Scott, Moya Alfonso
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 15, 3313
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
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Telephone-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Telephone-Delivered Nondirective Supportive Therapy for Rural Older Adults With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Analyzes therapy provided over the phone and its impact on symptoms of anxiety and depression among aging populations in rural areas that lack mental health services.
Author(s): Gretchen A. Brenes, Suzanne C. Danhauer, Mary F. Lyles, Patricia E. Hogan, Michael E. Miller
Citation: JAMA Psychiatry, 72(10), 1012-1020
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
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Finger Lakes - Rethinking Rural Health: The Teledentistry Impact
Video featuring a teledentistry program in New York that helps increase access to pediatric dental care for rural communities.
Date: 07/2015
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: WXXINews
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Provider Workforce Assessment in a Rural Hepatitis C Epidemic: Implications for Scale-Up of Antiviral Therapy
Analyzes the quantity and distribution of healthcare providers who actively prescribed direct acting antiviral drugs for hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Wisconsin. Discusses strategies to increase the number of healthcare providers in rural areas, as well as the education, training, and support provided to rural physicians. Figure 1 illustrates the prevalence of HCV and the distribution of HCV treatment prescribers.
Author(s): Ryan P. Westergaard, Lauren J. Stockman, Heather A. Hyland, et al.
Citation: Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 6(3), 215-217
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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Drug Use, Hepatitis C, and Service Availability: Perspectives of Incarcerated Rural Women
Examines drug use and the health consequences of drug use, hepatitis C, and health service availability among a high-risk sample of women serving time in jail for drug use. Data was collected from a sample of 22 female offenders incarcerated in 3 jail facilities located in rural Appalachia.
Author(s): Michele Staton-Tindall, J. Matthew Webster, Carrie B. Oser, Jennifer R. Havens, Carl G. Leukefeld
Citation: Social Work in Public Health, 30(4) 385–396
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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Rural Ambulatory Access for Semi-Urgent Care and the Relationship of Distance to an Emergency Department
Examines how distance to emergency departments and urgent care facilities impact semi-urgent ambulatory appointments. Assesses the effect of insurance coverage and ability to pay cash on a patient's achievement in scheduling appointments in rural and suburban areas along the Appalachian Trail.
Author(s): Ashley Parks, Andy Hoegh, Damon Kuehl
Citation: Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 16(4), 594-599
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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Evaluation of CMS's Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Advanced Primary Care Practice (APCP) Demonstration
Reports on a 3 year demonstration project regarding the change of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) into advanced primary care practices (APCPs) that provide comprehensive patient-centered healthcare for Medicare beneficiaries. Examines the processes and challenges involved in this change and the effects of the APCP model on access, quality and cost of care delivered to Medicare and Medicaid patients. Includes a rural/urban comparison of findings and data.
Author(s): Katherine L. Kahn, Justin W. Timbie, Mark W. Friedberg, et al.
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RAND Corporation
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Rural-Urban Difference in Female Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Missouri
Analyzes and compares the effect of geographic distance and access to a mammography healthcare facility on late detection of breast cancer diagnosis in women residing in rural and urban Missouri.
Author(s): Faustine Williams, Stephen Jeanetta, David O'Brien, John Fresen
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 15(3), 3063
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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Hospital Policy Issues: Statement by Mark Miller, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission before Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives
Testimony from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission's executive director presented at a July 22nd, 2015, Ways and Means subcommittee hearing concerning Medicare hospital payment issues, rural health issues, and beneficiary access to care. Discusses Medicare's rural hospital payment adjustments, how they impact access to care, and principles to consider in evaluating rural add-on payments. Also discusses MedPAC recommendations related to graduate medical education (GME), including some related to rural training.
Author(s): Mark E. Miller
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: House Ways and Means Committee, Subcommittee on Health, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
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