Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Access
Colonoscopy Access and Utilization - Rural Disparities in the Carolinas, 2001-2010
Describes the geographic distribution of colonoscopy providers, the utilization rate for colonoscopies in urban and rural populations, and the influence of the availability of colonoscopy providers on patients when seeking care in their local area for North and South Carolina using ambulatory surgery discharge data for colonoscopies from 2001-2010.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Jan M. Eberth, Michele Josey, Tushar Trivedi, James Hibbert, Janice C. Probst
Date: 07/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Describes the geographic distribution of colonoscopy providers, the utilization rate for colonoscopies in urban and rural populations, and the influence of the availability of colonoscopy providers on patients when seeking care in their local area for North and South Carolina using ambulatory surgery discharge data for colonoscopies from 2001-2010.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Jan M. Eberth, Michele Josey, Tushar Trivedi, James Hibbert, Janice C. Probst
Date: 07/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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A Look at Rural Hospital Closures and Implications for Access to Care: Three Case Studies
Presents case studies of three rural hospital closures from 2015 in Kansas, Kentucky, and South Carolina. Explores impact of closures on access to care and the economy of local communities.
Author(s): Jane Wishner, Patricia Solleveld, Robin Rudowitz, Julia Paradise, Larisa Antonisse
Date: 07/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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Presents case studies of three rural hospital closures from 2015 in Kansas, Kentucky, and South Carolina. Explores impact of closures on access to care and the economy of local communities.
Author(s): Jane Wishner, Patricia Solleveld, Robin Rudowitz, Julia Paradise, Larisa Antonisse
Date: 07/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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Providing Cardiology Care in Rural Areas Through Visiting Consultant Clinics
Examines impact of cardiology outreach clinics in 96 predominantly rural Iowa cities in 2014. Includes a map showing clinic sites and a table of mean one-way travel times with breakdowns by urban area, large rural city, small rural town, isolated rural town, and all rural census tracts.
Author(s): Thomas S. Gruca, Tae-Hyung Pyo, Gregory C. Nelson
Citation: Journal of the American Heart Association, 5(7)
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
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Examines impact of cardiology outreach clinics in 96 predominantly rural Iowa cities in 2014. Includes a map showing clinic sites and a table of mean one-way travel times with breakdowns by urban area, large rural city, small rural town, isolated rural town, and all rural census tracts.
Author(s): Thomas S. Gruca, Tae-Hyung Pyo, Gregory C. Nelson
Citation: Journal of the American Heart Association, 5(7)
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
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Breaking the Barriers to Specialty Care: Practical Ideas to Improve Health Equity and Reduce Cost
Collection of briefs focused on how to improve access to specialty care for rural and low-income patients. Discusses telehealth, developing primary care capacity to provide appropriate specialty care, and coordinated specialist networks as approaches to improve specialty care access. Free, but registration required to download.
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, FSG
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Collection of briefs focused on how to improve access to specialty care for rural and low-income patients. Discusses telehealth, developing primary care capacity to provide appropriate specialty care, and coordinated specialist networks as approaches to improve specialty care access. Free, but registration required to download.
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, FSG
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National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Chartbook on Care Coordination
A summary of trends in Care Coordination from the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR) for 2015. Includes data and statistics by metropolitan statistical area with a focus on groups with disparities in care coordination regarding hospital and emergency department visits, discharge, readmission, use of ED for chronic healthcare, and potentially avoidable hospitalizations. Also highlights the use of electronic health records and electronic exchange and how that affects care coordination and quality.
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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A summary of trends in Care Coordination from the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR) for 2015. Includes data and statistics by metropolitan statistical area with a focus on groups with disparities in care coordination regarding hospital and emergency department visits, discharge, readmission, use of ED for chronic healthcare, and potentially avoidable hospitalizations. Also highlights the use of electronic health records and electronic exchange and how that affects care coordination and quality.
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Commission on Care: Final Report
Provides a comprehensive examination of how to best organize the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), allocate funding support, and deliver healthcare to veterans in a variety of settings and geographic locations, including rural areas. The Commission on Care was established by the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 to examine access to healthcare for veterans.
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Commission on Care
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Provides a comprehensive examination of how to best organize the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), allocate funding support, and deliver healthcare to veterans in a variety of settings and geographic locations, including rural areas. The Commission on Care was established by the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 to examine access to healthcare for veterans.
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Commission on Care
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A Pilot Videoconference Group Stress Management Program in Cancer Survivors: Lessons Learned
Discusses the advantages and barriers of developing and implementing a group-based videoconference program that provides interventions to improve the psychosocial outcomes of rural cancer patients following treatment.
Author(s): Eric Zhou, Ann H. Partridge, Jaime E. Blackmon, Evan Morgan, Christopher J. Recklitis
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 16(2), 3863
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
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Discusses the advantages and barriers of developing and implementing a group-based videoconference program that provides interventions to improve the psychosocial outcomes of rural cancer patients following treatment.
Author(s): Eric Zhou, Ann H. Partridge, Jaime E. Blackmon, Evan Morgan, Christopher J. Recklitis
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 16(2), 3863
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
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MedPAC Report to the Congress: Medicare and the Health Care Delivery System, June 2016
Includes chapters on pricing and payment systems, Medicare drug spending, Part B drug and oncology payment policy issues, improving Part D, improving efficiency and preserving access to emergency care in rural areas, telehealth services and Medicare, and issues affecting dual-eligible beneficiaries. Rural providers and rural patient populations are discussed throughout the report.
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
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Includes chapters on pricing and payment systems, Medicare drug spending, Part B drug and oncology payment policy issues, improving Part D, improving efficiency and preserving access to emergency care in rural areas, telehealth services and Medicare, and issues affecting dual-eligible beneficiaries. Rural providers and rural patient populations are discussed throughout the report.
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
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Impact of the Affordable Care Act Coverage Expansion on Rural and Urban Populations
Discusses the advances supported by provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) related to health insurance coverage, premium tax credits, and healthcare access for rural and urban populations with a special focus on rural individuals.
Author(s): Kelsey Avery, Kenneth Finegold, Xiao Xiao
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Discusses the advances supported by provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) related to health insurance coverage, premium tax credits, and healthcare access for rural and urban populations with a special focus on rural individuals.
Author(s): Kelsey Avery, Kenneth Finegold, Xiao Xiao
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Oral Health Care in North Dakota Long Term Care Facilities
Provides data on oral health in long-term care (LTC) facilities in North Dakota. Compares rural and urban variation in oral health policies regarding services and staff training. Includes recommendations to encourage LTC facilities to strengthen relationships with oral health providers and improve access to oral health for their residents.
Author(s): Shawnda Schroeder
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of North Dakota Center for Rural Health
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Provides data on oral health in long-term care (LTC) facilities in North Dakota. Compares rural and urban variation in oral health policies regarding services and staff training. Includes recommendations to encourage LTC facilities to strengthen relationships with oral health providers and improve access to oral health for their residents.
Author(s): Shawnda Schroeder
Date: 06/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of North Dakota Center for Rural Health
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