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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Access

The Future of Rural Transportation and Mobility for Older Adults: Current Trends and Future Directions in Technology-Enabled Solutions
Focuses on transformation of mobility for older adults in rural areas through innovation in transportation solutions. Describes how mobility restrictions are a social determinant of health, and the ways in which this can adversely impact health and independence for older rural people.
Author(s): Andrew Broderick
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Grantmakers In Aging
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An Unmet Challenge: Colorado Struggles to Address Mental Health and Substance Use: A Colorado Health Access Survey Issue Brief
Provides a snapshot of Colorado residents who reported poor mental health status, including county-level data for the percent reporting poor mental health and not receiving needed mental healthcare in the past year. Discusses barriers that prevent Colorado residents from receiving needed mental healthcare and other factors influencing access to care.
Additional links: Full Report
Author(s): Teresa Manocchio
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Colorado Health Institute
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Research Pays Off - Wyoming Intercity Bus Service Study: Finding and Filling the Gaps in Rural Areas
Report details the connectivity of the intercity bus (ICB) service in Wyoming. Discusses the ICB's ability to reach rural areas and the proposed changes to improve connectivity across the state.
Author(s): David Kack
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Montana State University Western Transportation Institute
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Promising Practices for Increasing Access to Transportation in Rural Communities
Report details several best practice program models for overcoming barriers to accessing transportation services in rural communities, which are featured in the Rural Transportation Toolkit. Discusses the necessity of reliable transportation for the well-being of rural people.
Author(s): Alycia Bayne, Alexa Siegfried, Patricia Stauffer, Alana Knudson
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
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The Veterans Choice Program (VCP): Program Implementation
Presents a report on the implementation of the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) Veterans Choice Program (VCP) as a way to increase access to care for veterans. Discusses veteran eligibility and care options within the program, provider participation, and the processing of payments.
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Congressional Research Service
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Views from the Heartland: Prospects for Bipartisanship in Health Reform
Reports on the views and opinions of 27 state legislators serving on health, budget, or appropriations committees in Colorado and Kansas. Discusses Medicaid expansion in rural areas and highlights the importance of promoting quality healthcare and removing barriers to access in rural communities.
Author(s): David K. Jones
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Milbank Memorial Fund
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Health Care in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands: A Six-Month Check-Up After the Storms (Report)
Overview of the status of recovery after Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017, with emphasis on the condition of healthcare systems. Draws on interviews with key stakeholders and residents, and public reports.
Author(s): Samantha Artiga, Cornelia Hall, Robin Rudowitz
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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The State of Health in New Mexico 2018
Describes the health status for the population of New Mexico in rural and urban areas. Provides statistics on multiple health indicators, such as socioeconomic status, maternal and child health, chronic disease, substance use, and injury, among others.
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Department of Health
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Market Characteristics Associated with Rural Hospitals' Provision of Post-Acute Care
Findings brief summarizing hospital- and market-level factors related to post-acute care (PAC) provided in rural hospitals from 2012-2015. Features statistics from 2012-2015 rural Medicare cost reports, PAC provision by census region in 2015, and percent of hospitals in frontier and remote areas in 2015 with breakdowns by type and PAC provision.
Author(s): Abby F. Hoffman, Randy K. Randolph, Alex R. Schulte, George H. Pink
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Rural and Urban Provider Market Share of Inpatient Post-Acute Care Services Provided to Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Findings brief examining rural patients' access to rehabilitation and skilled nursing care, using claims data from January 2013 through March 2014. Features statistics including numbers of patient days and discharges and average length of stay, with breakdowns by type and location of facility and type of care.
Author(s): Alex R. Schulte, Denise A. Kirk, Randy K. Randolph, George H. Pink
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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