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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Access

A Just Recovery for Rural Equity in Wisconsin
Provides information for advancing health equity, with respect to the impact of COVID-19, for rural populations in Wisconsin. Discusses topics fundamental to supporting rural health equity including: healthcare access, broadband and infrastructure, food and agriculture, job security, and availability of social services. Identifies proven policies and practices that can be implemented at the local and state level.
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute
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Rural Availability of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs)
Study examining the availability of sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) in rural areas based on county-level and hospital-level data from Pennsylvania. Describes challenges for SANE availability, including inconsistent coverage and barriers to certification, noting the potential risk of lower quality sexual assault care for rural victims.
Author(s): Elizabeth Thiede, Sheridan Miyamoto
Citation: The Journal of Rural Health, 37(1), 81-91
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
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Community Social Determinants and Health Outcomes Drive Availability of Patient-Centered Medical Homes
Examines the geographic distribution of patient-centered medical homes and whether they appear in communities with greater disease burdens and social vulnerability. Analyzes spatial clusters of mental and physical health surveys, health behaviors, and premature mortality and compares these metrics with medical home saturation and sociodemographic characteristics, including rurality.
Author(s): Nathaniel Bell, Rebecca Wilkerson, Kathy Mayfield-Smith, Ana Lopez-De Fede
Citation: Health & Place, 67, 102439
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
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The Essential Role of Family Physicians in Providing Cesarean Sections in Rural Communities
Policy brief describing percentages of family physicians (FPs) providing obstetric services and cesarean deliveries as the primary surgeon, using data from the 2017 and 2018 American Board of Family Medicine's Family Medicine Certification Examination registration questionnaire for FPs seeking to continue their certification. Features statistics with breakdowns by urban, micropolitan, large rural, and small rural locations.
Author(s): Sebastian T. Tong, Aimee R. Eden, Zachary J. Morgan, Andrew W. Bazemore, Lars E. Peterson
Citation: Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 34(1), 10-11
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
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January 2021 MACPAC Meeting Transcript
Transcript from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission's (MACPAC) January 2021 meeting. Covers the review of draft chapters and recommendations regarding postpartum coverage, estate recovery, automatic countercyclical financing adjustment, design considerations for creating a new unified program for dually eligible beneficiaries, and housing supports for individuals with substance use disorder, among other things. Also details a MACPAC study on non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT), which includes a discussion of NEMT in rural areas.
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Patient Satisfaction with Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment via Telemedicine: Brief Literature Review and Development of a New Assessment
Study assessing patient satisfaction with telemedicine-delivered medications for opioid use disorder (tMOUD). Discusses barriers to delivery of medications for opioid use disorder in rural areas. Offers a literature review and pilot survey data from 65 patients at a treatment clinic on Maryland's Eastern Shore, addressing future directions for telemedicine use in opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment programs.
Author(s): Thomas O. Cole, Darlene Robinson, Andrea Kelley-Freeman, et al.
Citation: Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 557275
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
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Community Health and Economic Prosperity: Engaging Businesses as Stewards and Stakeholders — A Report of the Surgeon General
Report examining the relationship between businesses and community vitality in the United States, including impacts on health, environment, and equality. Discusses the U.S. health disadvantage compared to other nations and the role of neighborhoods and businesses in shaping health and economic opportunity. Describes initiatives from business leaders in rural and tribal communities.
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Rural Renewal: Three Success Stories, Capturing Prosperity/Health
Showcases success stories from 3 rural communities that sought to address local health concerns, such as inadequate prenatal care and access to healthy food, and increase access to healthcare and related services. Describes community-based initiatives implemented in Nebraska, New Mexico, and South Carolina.
Author(s): Phillip L. Polakoff, Dennis Berens, David Angelson
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: A Healthier WE
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Oklahoma Rural Hospital Closures by the Numbers
Research brief discussing rural hospital closures in Oklahoma and impacts of closures on access to care. Presents data on closures between 2005 and 2020, noting driving distance to the nearest open hospital. Addresses demographic characteristics of counties with closed hospitals and health equity impacts of closures.
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Oklahoma State University Center for Rural Health
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Characteristics and Challenges of Rural Ambulance Agencies - A Brief Review and Policy Considerations
Examines challenges including prolonged response and transport times, insufficient payment by insurers, transitions from volunteer to paid workforce, and lack of plans and policies to coordinate services. Features recommendations for identifying public policy considerations to stabilize rural ambulance agencies.
Author(s): A. Clinton MacKinney, Keith J. Mueller, Andrew F. Coburn, et al.
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Policy Research Institute Rural Health Panel
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