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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: West Virginia

The Rural Opioid Initiative Consortium Description: Providing Evidence to Understand the Fourth Wave of the Opioid Crisis
Highlights an initiative aimed at developing interventions to address rural opioid use. Collects data from rural areas in 10 states via surveys of people who use drugs and explores overlapping issues, such as other drug use, homelessness, and lack of access to treatment, among others.
Author(s): Richard A. Jenkins, Bridget M. Whitney, Robin M. Nance, et al.
Citation: Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 17, 38
Date: 07/2022
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The Appalachia Mind Health Initiative (AMHI): A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial of Adjunctive Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Treating Major Depressive Disorder among Primary Care Patients
Describes a planned study to evaluate a trial program to address major depressive disorder (MDD) among 3,360 enrolled patients across West Virginia through internet-based cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Discusses the need for MDD care in rural states and offers an overview of the study's design and methodology.
Author(s): Robert M. Bossarte, Ronald C. Kessler, Andrew A. Nierenberg, et al.
Citation: Trials, 23, 520
Date: 06/2022
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Telemedicine Versus In-Person Primary Care: Impact on Visit Completion Rate in a Rural Appalachian Population
Explores telemedicine use in a primary care clinic in rural West Virginia and its impact on patient access and visit completion rates. Examines visit completion rates of 110,999 patients from January 2019 to November 2020, with patient data broken down by sex, age, marital status, and distance in miles from facility.
Author(s): Treah Haggerty, Heather M. Stephens, Shaylee A. Peckens, et al.
Citation: The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 35(3), 475-484
Date: 05/2022
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A Descriptive Analysis of Food Pantries in Twelve American States: Hours of Operation, Faith-Based Affiliation, and Location
Describes the development and content of a charitable food dataset, including geographic information for 3,777 food pantries in 12 states. Features statistics including food insecurity in 2013-2015 and numbers of food pantries and faith-based food pantries, with breakdowns by state and urban or rural locations.
Author(s): Natalie D. Riediger, Lindsey Dahl, Rajeshwari A. Biradar, Adriana N. Mudryj, Mahmoud Torabi
Citation: BMC Public Health, 22, 525
Date: 03/2022
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A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial for a Multi-Level, Clinic-Based Smoking Cessation Program with Women in Appalachian Communities: Study Protocol for the "Break Free" Program
Results of a study to increase smoking cessation among women living in rural Appalachia, by embedding a smoking cessation program within a larger cervical cancer prevention program. Uses data from focus groups comprising 510 women from West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Virginia.
Author(s): Joanne G. Patterson, Tia N. Borger, Jessica L. Burris, et al.
Citation: Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 17(11)
Date: 02/2022
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Longitudinal Assessment of a Dental and Medical Student Service Program in Appalachia: Successes and Lessons Learned
Results of a study exploring a West Virginia University Institute for Community and Rural Health service scholarship program implemented in 2011 to address a lack of dental and primary care in rural and underserved areas. Features statistics including program participant characteristics, with breakdowns by rural or urban background, and practice site characteristics for participants with fulfilled program status, with breakdowns by rural or underserved location.
Author(s): April Vestal, Fotinos Panagakos, Treah Haggerty, Ashley Brianna Sheppard
Citation: Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 82(1), 113-117
Date: 01/2022
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Strict Entry Procedures at St. Joseph's Hospital of Buckhannon in W.Va.
Case study discussing the efforts of St. Joseph's Hospital, a Critical Access Hospital in Buckhannon, West Virginia, to strengthen its security presence and safety controls. Describes the implementation of a workplace violence training program for staff and security officers.
Date: 01/2022
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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ICU Mortality in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection: Highlighting Healthcare Disparities in Rural Appalachia
Study examining 30-day COVID-19 mortality among ICU patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome transferred from rural Appalachian hospitals to West Virginia University Hospital in Morgantown, West Virginia between September 30, 2020 and December 1, 2020. Examines baseline patient demographics, comorbidities, and clinical outcomes, comparing patients transferred from Critical Access Hospitals and other rural facilities to non-COVID-19 ICU patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Author(s): Sunil Sharma, Varun Badami, Edward Rojas, et al.
Citation: Critical Care Explorations, 3(10), e547
Date: 10/2021
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West Virginia Primary Care Provider Shortage Areas, Certified Clinic Locations, and Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence
County-level map showing locations of West Virginia Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas.
Date: 07/2021
Sponsoring organization: West Virginia Division of Primary Care
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Disparities in Amputation in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease
Examines health disparities related to amputation and the management of peripheral arterial disease. Discusses intersecting factors impacting the need for amputation, such as race/ethnicity, geography, and more. Includes county- and ZIP code-level state maps of West Virginia that show 2011-2016 risk estimates for amputation in patients with diabetes and/or peripheral arterial disease.
Author(s): Katharine L. McGinigle, Samantha D. Minc
Citation: Surgery,169(6), 1290-1294
Date: 06/2021
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