Rural Health
Resources by State: Vermont
Mental Health Services in Rural Jails
Explores the role of jails within rural mental health systems, investigating how rural jails manage mental health and substance abuse problems among inmates. Also identifies barriers to providing mental health services in rural jails and shares promising practices for improving service delivery. Study focuses on rural, county-based jails in Minnesota, Montana, Texas, and Vermont.
Additional links: Policy Brief, September 2009
Author(s): Melanie M. Race, Anush Yousefian, David Lambert, David Hartley
Date: 08/2010
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Explores the role of jails within rural mental health systems, investigating how rural jails manage mental health and substance abuse problems among inmates. Also identifies barriers to providing mental health services in rural jails and shares promising practices for improving service delivery. Study focuses on rural, county-based jails in Minnesota, Montana, Texas, and Vermont.
Additional links: Policy Brief, September 2009
Author(s): Melanie M. Race, Anush Yousefian, David Lambert, David Hartley
Date: 08/2010
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Vermont Food Access in Health Care Network
A collection of resources that rural communities can use to develop programs addressing food access. Includes resources for delivering services, such as information on produce prescriptions and food insecurity screening.
Sponsoring organization: Bi-State Primary Care Association
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A collection of resources that rural communities can use to develop programs addressing food access. Includes resources for delivering services, such as information on produce prescriptions and food insecurity screening.
Sponsoring organization: Bi-State Primary Care Association
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Northern Border Region Technical Assistance Center
Provides technical assistance to rural healthcare providers and communities in the Northern Border Region. Supports providers and communities exploring and implementing strategies related to improving access to care, workforce recruitment and retention, and transition to value-based care. Part of the Rural Health Redesign Center.
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Redesign Center
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Provides technical assistance to rural healthcare providers and communities in the Northern Border Region. Supports providers and communities exploring and implementing strategies related to improving access to care, workforce recruitment and retention, and transition to value-based care. Part of the Rural Health Redesign Center.
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Redesign Center
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Northeast Telehealth Resource Center - Upcoming Events
List of events hosted by the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC), other Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs), and other events related to telehealth that address telehealth policy, delivery and disease prevention, and more. Includes past event recordings.
Sponsoring organization: Northeast Telehealth Resource Center
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List of events hosted by the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC), other Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs), and other events related to telehealth that address telehealth policy, delivery and disease prevention, and more. Includes past event recordings.
Sponsoring organization: Northeast Telehealth Resource Center
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Project ECHO at Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Offers a telementoring model using video-conferencing technology to connect rural community-based primary care teams in New Hampshire and Vermont with expert providers.
Sponsoring organization: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health
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Offers a telementoring model using video-conferencing technology to connect rural community-based primary care teams in New Hampshire and Vermont with expert providers.
Sponsoring organization: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health
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Rural Firefighters Delivering Agricultural Safety and Health (RF-DASH)
Provides farm safety resources for rural firefighters in 7 states. Provides access to free online tools with registration:, which analyzes hazardous elements on farms that could lead to injury, and, which helps fire departments preplan their response to fires on farms.
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
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Provides farm safety resources for rural firefighters in 7 states. Provides access to free online tools with registration:, which analyzes hazardous elements on farms that could lead to injury, and, which helps fire departments preplan their response to fires on farms.
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
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Healthy Vermonters & Health Status Reports
Includes links to topic-specific reports with statewide population data and scorecards with performance measures. Includes a data explorer for accessing county, local health office district, and hospital service area population data with maps, trends and community profiles.
Sponsoring organization: Vermont Department of Health
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Includes links to topic-specific reports with statewide population data and scorecards with performance measures. Includes a data explorer for accessing county, local health office district, and hospital service area population data with maps, trends and community profiles.
Sponsoring organization: Vermont Department of Health
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ERS State Fact Sheet: Vermont
State-level data on population, poverty, food security, educational attainment, employment, and income. Includes data for rural areas, urban areas, and the state as a whole.
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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State-level data on population, poverty, food security, educational attainment, employment, and income. Includes data for rural areas, urban areas, and the state as a whole.
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Vermont KIDS COUNT Data Center
Provides data on child well-being for the state. Covers demographics, economic well-being, education, family and community, health, and safety and risky behaviors. Some data available by county.
Sponsoring organization: Annie E. Casey Foundation
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Provides data on child well-being for the state. Covers demographics, economic well-being, education, family and community, health, and safety and risky behaviors. Some data available by county.
Sponsoring organization: Annie E. Casey Foundation
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Vermont QuickFacts
State-level data on demographics, housing, income, and other social determinants of health, with the option to add data for counties and cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. Includes information from multiple U.S. Census Bureau censuses, surveys, and programs.
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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State-level data on demographics, housing, income, and other social determinants of health, with the option to add data for counties and cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. Includes information from multiple U.S. Census Bureau censuses, surveys, and programs.
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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