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Rural Health
Resources by State: Oklahoma

Oklahoma Emergency Department Utilization: July 2012 through June 2015
Reports on emergency department use in Oklahoma to help guide the state's Medicaid program, SoonerCare. Includes rural/urban breakdowns and some discussion of rural challenges.
Author(s): Mercer Government Human Services Consulting
Date: 08/2016
Sponsoring organization: Oklahoma Health Care Authority
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Community Collaboration with Rural, Culturally Diverse Populations - Sexual Violence Prevention in Northeast Oklahoma
Highlights a collaboration with tribal governments in rural Oklahoma to provide culturally appropriate sexual violence prevention programming.
Date: 2016
Sponsoring organization: Oklahoma State Department of Health
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The Economic Impact of a Rural Dentist
Measures the impact that dentists have on rural counties. Uses data from 13 rural dental clinics in Oklahoma, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Nevada.
Author(s): Gerald A. Doeksen, Fred C. Eilrich, Cheryl F. St. Clair
Date: 08/2014
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Rural Health Works
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Care Management for Medicaid Enrollees Through Community Health Teams
Presents data from a 2011-2012 review of state Medicaid medical home programs in 8 states. Identifies community health team programs that provide services such as care coordination and self-management coaching. Includes information on small or rural practices.
Author(s): Mary Takach, Jason Buxbaum
Date: 05/2013
Sponsoring organization: Commonwealth Fund
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Weight Status of American Indian and White Elementary School Students Living in the Same Rural Environment, Oklahoma, 2005-2009
Compares statistics on American Indian and White students at three schools in Anadarko, Oklahoma, with categories ranging from underweight to very obese. Includes breakdowns by year, weight status, race, sex, and age.
Author(s): Amanda E. Janitz, William E. Moore, Aietah L. Stephens, Kathryn E. Abbott, June E. Eichner
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 9
Date: 03/2012
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Estimating the Economic Impact of Telemedicine in a Rural Community
Reports on site visits to 24 rural hospitals in the Midwest to develop a methodology for estimating the economic impact of telemedicine on a rural community.
Author(s): Brian E. Whitacre
Citation: Agricultural and Resource Economics, 40(2), 172-183
Date: 08/2011
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Implementation of Telepharmacy in Rural Hospitals: Potential for Improving Medication Safety
Describes successful telepharmacy activities being implemented in rural hospitals and analyzes policy issues related to the implementation of telepharmacy projects in rural hospitals.
Additional links: Policy Brief, March 2009
Author(s): Michelle Casey, Walter Elias, Alana Knudson, Walter Gregg
Date: 12/2008
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Rural Health Research Center
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Innovative Primary Care Case Management Programs Operating in Rural Communities: Case Studies of Three States
Discusses state programs that provide enhanced benefits to Medicaid beneficiaries such as enhanced primary care case management (PCCM). Includes examples from three states: Florida, North Carolina, and Oklahoma.
Additional links: Findings Brief, March 2003: Design of Enhanced Primary Care Case Management Programs Operating in Rural Communities: Lessons Learned from Three States
Author(s): Pam Silberman, Stephanie Poley, Rebecca Slifkin
Date: 01/2003
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Economic Importance of the Health Care Sector on a Rural Economy
Presents a model that measures direct and secondary employment and income impacts of the health sector, using a rural Oklahoma community as a case study.
Author(s): Gerald A. Doeksen, Val Schott
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 3(2), 135
Date: 05/2002
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National Advisory Committee on Rural Health & Human Services Meeting Minutes, Checotah, Oklahoma, June 4-6, 2000
Minutes from a National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services meeting addressing the following topics: a Federal Office of Rural Health Policy update, the State Planning Grant Program, Medicare reform, health disparities, and the economic impact of the healthcare system.
Date: 06/2000
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
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