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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: New Mexico

The Evolution of Rural Emergency Hospitals as a New Model of Care
Podcast episode with Laura Appel, executive vice president of the Michigan Health and Hospital Association, and Christina Campos, CEO at Guadalupe County Hospital. Discusses the Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) designation, the conversion process, meeting eligibility requirements, and the benefit of REHs to rural patients and communities.
Date: 11/2023
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Improving Access to Primary Care for Underserved Populations: A Review of Findings from Five Case Studies and Recommendations
Summarizes and synthesizes the findings from a series of five case studies that explored the impact of policy initiatives that aim to improve access to primary care. Covers increasing the availability of primary care providers, improving underserved communities' access to outpatient clinics, removing structural barriers to care, making primary care affordable, and improving comfort and communication between providers and patients. Presents recommendations for federal and state policymakers, primary care practices, medical schools, and other relevant stakeholders. Includes rural examples and considerations throughout.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Maanasa Kona, Jalisa Clark, Emma Walsh-Alker
Date: 11/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Center on Health Insurance Reforms, Milbank Memorial Fund, National Institute for Health Care Reform
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Health Behaviors and Conditions of Adult New Mexicans: Results from the New Mexico Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 2021 Annual Report
Reviews results from New Mexico's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 2020 survey data. Addresses health status indicators, chronic disease, mental health, substance abuse, and risky behaviors. Includes rural/urban breakdowns.
Date: 11/2023
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Department of Health
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New Mexico Health Care Workforce Committee: 2023 Annual Report
Provides detailed data at the county level, comparing New Mexico's healthcare workforce to national benchmarks. Discusses rural and frontier area shortages, health workforce migration trends, potential solutions for solving the state's workforce issues (including in rural areas), and updates on previous recommendations. Includes a special focus on the behavioral health workforce, and appendices include gap analyses of New Mexico healthcare professions by county.
Date: 10/2023
Sponsoring organization: University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
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Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education Annual Report, 2022-2023
Annual report of the Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education's activities for 2022-2023. Includes summary of organizational structure, research, outreach, and grants funded.
Date: 10/2023
Sponsoring organization: Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education
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New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department 2023-2024 Annual Progress and Services Plan (APSR)
Reports on progress made towards outcomes in the areas of child welfare services, early childhood services, behavioral health services, and juvenile justice services. Addresses issues specific to rural areas, collaboration with tribes in the state, and coordination with the state Medicaid system for the behavioral and physical health needs of children, families, and youth in New Mexico.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department
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Rural Health Care Coordination Sourcebook, 2020-2023
Provides an overview of the ten initiatives funded under the Rural Health Care Coordination Program for the 2020-2023 period, with information on program accomplishments and reach. Detailed grantee profiles include contact information, consortium partners, population served, program outcomes and impacts, and lessons learned.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
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Sustainability Spotlight: State Funding for Produce Prescriptions
Provides an overview of two successful models of produce prescriptions (PPR) programs that provide access to fruits and vegetables for low-income families experiencing diet-related illness. Discusses sustainability, collaboration, and strategic planning of the New Mexico Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program (FVRx) that works with tribal, rural, and frontier communities.
Author(s): Audrey Immel
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: No Kid Hungry
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Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies (RMOMS) Program
Describes a pilot grant program designed to improve maternal and neonatal health in rural communities by collecting data and supporting the development of financially sustainable and coordinated network models. Aims to make maternal and obstetrics care more accessible through increased use of telehealth and specialty care. Fact sheet provides information on the activities of 3 rural networks funded through the RMOMS program.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, Maternal and Child Health Bureau
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"Hopeful Forecasting": Farmers Showing Increased Interest in Mental Health Resources
Discusses a growing openness among farmers to accessing mental health resources. Shares insights from experts regarding stigma reduction and challenges that remain in addressing farmers' mental health.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 06/2023
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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