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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: New Mexico

Evaluating a Web-Based Training Curriculum for Disseminating Best Practices for the Care of Newborns with Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome in a Rural Hospital, the NOWS-NM Program
Evaluates the NOWS-NM program, a web-based training program for care of newborns with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) in rural New Mexico hospitals. Describes results of interviews with 16 providers on their experiences with NOWS and attitudes toward local NOWS treatment. Discusses stigma reduction and knowledge of non-pharmacologic NOWS treatment.
Author(s): Heather Pratt-Chavez, Heidi Rishel Brakey, Sarah G. Sanders, et al.
Citation: BMC Pediatrics, 24, 258
Date: 04/2024
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A Participatory Trust-Building Model for Conducting Health Equity Research With Rural and Urban Native American, Black, and Latinx Communities: WEAVE NM (Wide Engagement for Assessing Vaccine Equity in New Mexico)
Highlights an intervention that aims to increase vaccine equity, engagement, and community trust among rural and urban Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people in New Mexico. The community-based participatory research initiative explores social and cultural elements that shape engagement with the broader community and the effect this has on public health outcomes.
Author(s): Lisa Cacari Stone, Anabel Canchola, Elroy Keetso, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 114(Suppl 1), S41–S44
Date: 01/2024
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Produce Prescription Programs Offer 'A Holistic Approach' to Addressing Rural Food Insecurity and Diet-Related Disease
Features produce prescription programs serving rural Mississippi, New Mexico, and Vermont that are helping improve access to healthy foods for those with diet-related chronic conditions. Describes how produce Rx programs can support local food systems and discusses funding and sustainability considerations.
Author(s): Brendan Stermer
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 01/2024
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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How to Solve New Mexico's Health Care Worker Shortage
Proposes state-level policy and funding changes to address healthcare workforce shortages in New Mexico, covering topics including Medicaid reimbursement, financial incentives for education and practice, credentialing, workforce programs, and more. Highlights the needs of rural and tribal communities, including discussion of rural provider retention, workforce pipelines, the Rural Healthcare Tax Credit (RHTC), and state and federal cooperation with tribal nations.
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: Think New Mexico
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Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Cases in New Mexico by County, 2024
Map featuring data on the number of individuals affected by Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome by county in New Mexico.
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Department of Health
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Human WNV Cases by County, New Mexico, 2024
Map featuring data and associated demographics on the number of individuals affected by West Nile virus by county in New Mexico.
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Department of Health
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State of New Mexico 2023 Tuberculosis Cases and Case Rates by County and Public Health Region, Preliminary
Presents data on tuberculosis incidence by county and region of New Mexico.
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Department of Health
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Redlining The Reservation: The Brutal Cost Of Financial Services Inaccessibility In Native Communities
Report discusses the lack of financial services for American Indian communities. Explores the consequences of a lack of financial investment in native communities, such as a lack of small businesses, new construction, and economic growth. Provides county-level and tribe-level data for Arizona and New Mexico. Discusses the effect this has on social determinants of health.
Author(s): Dave Castillo, Bruce C. Mitchell, Jason Richardson, Jad Edlebi
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: National Community Reinvestment Coalition
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Water and Wastewater in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region: Twentieth Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of the United States
Report discussing drinking water and wastewater needs along the U.S.-Mexico border. Offers recommendations regarding coordination of services for underserved and tribal communities, infrastructure funding, and long-term planning. Discusses issues specific to rural areas, colonias, and tribal communities such as climates risks, health disparities, and more. Lists federal funding sources.
Author(s): P. Ganster, I. Coronado, J. McNeece, et al.
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Good Neighbor Environmental Board, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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Leading State Approaches and Communication Strategies to Support Health Equity
Describes how state and territory leaders have created effective health equity practices and communication strategies. Outlines three themes that emerged through research and roundtable discussions as top health equity priorities for states. Profiles initiatives and policies from nine states and Guam to address health equity and reflect these themes.
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: National Governors Association
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