Rural Health
Resources by State: New Hampshire
New Hampshire Project ECHO
Shares knowledge and increases medical expertise in New Hampshire by connecting interdisciplinary specialists with community-based practitioners using web conferencing technology. Offers a virtual learning network enabling healthcare teams to manage complex health conditions within their communities.
Sponsoring organizations: New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative, University of New Hampshire Institute for Health Policy and Practice
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Shares knowledge and increases medical expertise in New Hampshire by connecting interdisciplinary specialists with community-based practitioners using web conferencing technology. Offers a virtual learning network enabling healthcare teams to manage complex health conditions within their communities.
Sponsoring organizations: New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative, University of New Hampshire Institute for Health Policy and Practice
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Project ECHO at Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Offers a telementoring model using video-conferencing technology to connect rural community-based primary care teams in New Hampshire and Vermont with expert providers.
Sponsoring organization: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health
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Offers a telementoring model using video-conferencing technology to connect rural community-based primary care teams in New Hampshire and Vermont with expert providers.
Sponsoring organization: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health
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ERS State Fact Sheet: New Hampshire
State-level data on population, poverty, food security, educational attainment, employment, and income. Includes data for rural areas, urban areas, and the state as a whole.
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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State-level data on population, poverty, food security, educational attainment, employment, and income. Includes data for rural areas, urban areas, and the state as a whole.
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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New Hampshire KIDS COUNT Data Center
Provides data on child well-being for the state. Covers demographics, economic well-being, education, family and community, health, and safety and risky behaviors. Some data available by county.
Sponsoring organization: Annie E. Casey Foundation
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Provides data on child well-being for the state. Covers demographics, economic well-being, education, family and community, health, and safety and risky behaviors. Some data available by county.
Sponsoring organization: Annie E. Casey Foundation
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New Hampshire QuickFacts
State-level data on demographics, housing, income, and other social determinants of health, with the option to add data for counties and cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. Includes information from multiple U.S. Census Bureau censuses, surveys, and programs.
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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State-level data on demographics, housing, income, and other social determinants of health, with the option to add data for counties and cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. Includes information from multiple U.S. Census Bureau censuses, surveys, and programs.
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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