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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: New Hampshire

Social Media Savvy
Reports on how rural healthcare facilities can use social media to connect with their communities. Describes the strengths and potential uses of different social media platforms. Includes examples and insights from a New Hampshire hospital and a Kansas physician who are using social media to reach patients.
Author(s): Kate Menzies
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 07/2015
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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New England Regional Health Equity Profile & Call to Action
Report of the New England Regional Health Equity Council, identifying disparities in health among racial, ethnic, and disability populations and suggesting pathways for health equity. Includes statistics broken down by race/ethnicity, disability status, gender, age, and urban/rural status.
Author(s): C.E. Drum, K.G. Phillips, K. Chiu
Date: 2015
Sponsoring organizations: National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities, New England Regional Health Equity Council
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The Built Environment and Utilitarian Walking in Small U.S. Towns
Examines associations in self-reported and objective built environment walking measures among rural adults. Includes walking data by demographics, lifestyle characteristics, and environmental measures.
Author(s): Mark P. Doescher, Chanam Lee, Ethan M. Berke, et al.
Citation: Preventive Medicine, 69, 80-86
Date: 12/2014
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State Innovation Models (SIM) Initiative Evaluation: Model Design and Model Pre-Test Evaluation Report
Reports on the experiences of 19 states that received federal support to work on state health care innovation plans focused on developing innovative healthcare delivery and payment models. Discusses rural concerns in these states, as well as strategies to address rural healthcare needs. Some topics addressed include patient-centered medical homes, accountable care organizations, workforce, broadband access, electronic health record adoption, and telehealth.
Date: 07/2014
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RTI International
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Variation in Access to Sugar-Sweetened Beverages in Vending Machines Across Rural, Town and Urban High Schools
Describes variations in high school students' access to sugar-sweetened beverages through vending machines by geographic location, and offers an approach to analyze school vending machine foods. Includes rural versus urban data by vending machine beverage options and front advertisement.
Author(s): A. M. Adachi-Mejia, M. R. Longacre, M. Skatrud-Mickelson, et al.
Citation: Public Health, 127(5), 485-491
Date: 05/2013
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2021 New Hampshire Physician Assistant Workforce Data Report
An overview of the physician assistant workforce in New Hampshire based on data from the 2021 Physician Assistant Licensure Survey. Features statistics including demographics, principal specialties, distribution by rurality of location, payment assistance type and availability, and geographic disparities.
Sponsoring organization: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
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2021 New Hampshire Physician Workforce Data Report
An overview of the physician workforce in New Hampshire based on data from the 2021 Physician Licensure Survey. Features statistics including demographics, distribution, education, practice capacity, acceptance of new patients, and retention, with breakdowns by rural and nonrural location.
Sponsoring organization: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
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2021 New Hampshire APRN Workforce Data Report
An overview of the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) workforce in New Hampshire, based on license renewal data from 2021. Features statistics including demographics, practice capacity, distribution, availability of payment assistance, practice locations, and retention, with breakdowns by rural and nonrural location.
Sponsoring organization: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
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Northern Border Region Technical Assistance Center
Provides technical assistance to rural healthcare providers and communities in the Northern Border Region. Supports providers and communities exploring and implementing strategies related to improving access to care, workforce recruitment and retention, and transition to value-based care. Part of the Rural Health Redesign Center.
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Redesign Center
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Northeast Telehealth Resource Center - Upcoming Events
List of events hosted by the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC), other Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs), and other events related to telehealth that address telehealth policy, delivery and disease prevention, and more. Includes past event recordings.
Sponsoring organization: Northeast Telehealth Resource Center
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