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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: California

California 2023 Regional Health Coverage Fact Sheets
9 fact sheets showing insurance rates in California counties. Includes uninsurance rates, race and ethnicity information, Medi-Cal (Medicaid) and Medicare enrollment data, and more.
Date: 07/2023
Sponsoring organization: Insure the Uninsured Project
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Preparing the Next Generation of the Healthcare Workforce: State Strategies for Recruitment and Retention
Provides an overview of the first year of the National Governors Association's Next Generation of the Healthcare Workforce project, which works with states on implementing strategies to strengthen and grow the next generation of the healthcare workforce. Outlines project outcomes and provides additional information on ongoing state healthcare workforce initiatives in participating states. Covers statewide cross-agency coordination, funding healthcare workforce initiatives, health equity and workforce diversity, data collection, career pathways, rural workforce, and more.
Author(s): Anna Heard, Shelby Hockenberry, Elijah McCabe, et al.
Date: 07/2023
Sponsoring organization: National Governors Association
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Occupational COVID-19 Exposures and Illnesses among Workers in California—Analysis of a New Occupational COVID-19 Surveillance System
Results of a study using Doctor's First Report of Occupational Injury or Illness (DFR) surveillance data in California to report on workers affected by occupational SARS-CoV-2 exposures and COVID-19, as well as their outcomes, including lost work time and hospitalizations. Features statistics with breakdowns by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas.
Author(s): David Pham Bui, Kathryn Gibb, Martha Fiellin, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(13), 6307
Date: 07/2023
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Supporting Local Multisector Plans for Aging in Rural Communities
Highlights a philanthropic initiative to develop Multisector Plans for Aging (MPAs) covering 7 rural California counties. Discusses community engagement and resources for more learning.
Author(s): Pauline Delange Martinez
Date: 06/2023
Sponsoring organization: American Society on Aging
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Well-Being in Rural California 2023
Examines well-being in rural California according to indicators related to healthy life and longevity, access to knowledge and education, and income and standard of living. Utilizes the American human development index (HDI) and breaks data down by race, ethnicity, sex, neighborhood cluster, and Census tract.
Additional links: Data Download, Slides, Webinar
Author(s): Kristen Lewis
Date: 06/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Measure of America, NeighborWorks America
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Obstetric Volume and Severe Maternal Morbidity Among Low-Risk and Higher-Risk Patients Giving Birth at Rural and Urban US Hospitals
Compares births in rural and urban counties in California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina to identify associations between obstetric volume and morbidity in low and high risk patients. Discusses suggestions for improving morbidity rates.
Author(s): Katy Backes Kozhimannil, Stephanie Leonard, Sara C. Handley, et al.
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 4(6)
Date: 06/2023
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Assessing the Accuracy of California County Level COVID-19 Hospitalization Forecasts to Inform Public Policy Decision Making
Evaluates model performance and accuracy regarding the forecasting of infectious diseases by retroactively examining COVID-19 forecasting in California counties. Utilizes archived forecasts from the California Department of Public Health's California COVID Assessment Tool to analyze the accuracy of forecasts referenced with actual COVID-19 hospitalization. Discusses issues related to model accuracy, such as local transmission trends, variant prevalence, and county population size, and how accurate forecasting is important for public health planning and policy.
Author(s): Lauren A. White, Ryan McCorvie, David Crow, Seema Jain, Tomás M. León
Citation: BMC Public Health 23, 782
Date: 04/2023
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Changes in Suicide in California from 2017 to 2021: A Population-Based Study
Examines suicide trends in California in 2020 and 2021 compared to pre-COVID-19 pandemic years. Includes suicide mortality data broken down by sex, education, race, age, method, and rural versus urban location. Discusses the burden of suicide trends by specific demographic groups.
Author(s): Julia J. Lund, Elizabeth Tomsich, Julia P. Schleimer, Veronica A. Pear
Citation: Injury Epidemiology, 10, 19
Date: 03/2023
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California Federally Qualified Health Center Alternative Payment Model Implementation Guide
Provides an overview on how the California Federally Qualified Health Center Alternative Payment Model (FQHC APM) may impact FQHCs and how facilities can prepare for the transition. Discusses the financial impact of the FQHC APM and assists facilities and staff in setting priorities, determining staffing needs, understanding necessary data collection, building staff competencies, and more.
Author(s): Greg Howe, Karla Silverman, Rob Houston
Date: 03/2023
Sponsoring organizations: California Health Care Foundation, Center for Health Care Strategies
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California Health Professional Shortage Areas: Dental Health
County-level map showing California dental health high needs geographic Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), geographic HPSAs, and HPSA populations.
Date: 03/2023
Sponsoring organization: California Health and Human Services Agency
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