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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: California

Let's Get Healthy California Goals
Dashboard of data for a variety of health indicators for California residents. Evaluates child health and well-being, chronic diseases, substance use, mental health, end of life, access to healthcare, social determinants of health, and the cost of healthcare. Includes rural and county-level data throughout.
Sponsoring organization: California Department of Public Health
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California Overdose Surveillance Dashboard
Dashboard of overdose data for California at the state and county levels. Includes mortality, emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and prescription data. Data can be broken down by age, opioid type, race, sex, and more.
Sponsoring organization: California Department of Public Health
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Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH) California Data Dashboards
Provides data on issues such as maternal health and prenatal care, breastfeeding and infant mortality, adverse childhood experiences, adolescent births, and more. Includes demographic data, breakdowns by county, and rural versus urban location in several categories.
Sponsoring organization: California Department of Public Health
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This is Rural Health Podcast
Podcast featuring California and national-level experts in rural health, covering topics including community engagement, healthcare access, policy, oral health, telemedicine, workforce recruitment, and more.
Sponsoring organization: California State Rural Health Association
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California State Rural Health Association - Upcoming Events
Provides information on events hosted by the California State Rural Health Association, which support rural health in California through advocacy, collaboration, and education.
Sponsoring organization: California State Rural Health Association
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Central Valley Rural Education and Health Alliance (REHA) (Historical)
A collaboration of rural educators, administrators, and school-based health professions working to improve education and health outcomes in California's rural Central Valley. Includes resources and promising practices to address the physical, mental, and behavioral health of students, as well as reduce chronic absences, create a positive culture, and improve school readiness, among other issues.
Sponsoring organization: Regional Educational Laboratory Program
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California Telehealth Resource Center - Events
Shares upcoming events hosted by the California Telehealth Resource Center (CTRC) addressing telehealth policy, delivery, innovation, and more.
Sponsoring organization: California Telehealth Resource Center
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COVID-19 Farmworker Study
Presents an ongoing study on the effect of COVID-19 on migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families in California, Oregon, and Washington. Works with community-based organizations to conduct a study via a phone-based survey and an in-depth interview detailing the farmworkers' experiences.
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CDC WONDER Underlying Cause of Death with US-Mexico Border Regions, 1999-2020
Provides access to mortality and population data for the U.S.-Mexico border region. Offers data on the number of deaths, crude and age-adjusted death rates, and demographics for different causes of death. Cause of death data available for ICD-10 codes, drug/alcohol induced causes, causes of infant death, and injury intent and mechanism. In addition to viewing data for the border region, border states, and border counties, results can also focus on the level of urbanization for metropolitan, micropolitan, and noncore areas.
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Offers detailed data on California's population health, including health conditions, health behaviors, mental health, healthcare access, food security, insurance coverage, and detailed demographics. Provides data in multiple formats: Health Profiles, a web-based interactive database that also allows you to download PDFs with county-level data; Public Use Data Files, which are formatted for statistical analysis programs; and AskCHIS and AskCHIS NE, which offer zip code and city-level data in a web-based interactive database and requires free registration.
Sponsoring organization: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
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