Rural Health
Resources by State: Arizona
Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers: 2023 Annual Report
Reports on the 2023 activities of Arizona's primary care association, including advocacy work, rural intimate partner violence, farmworker health, Community Health Center infrastructure, workforce, and more.
Date: 04/2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers
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Reports on the 2023 activities of Arizona's primary care association, including advocacy work, rural intimate partner violence, farmworker health, Community Health Center infrastructure, workforce, and more.
Date: 04/2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers
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Characteristics and Outcomes of a Hospitalized Cohort with Reduced Mortality from COVID-19, White Mountain Apache Tribal Lands, April 1 – July 31, 2020
Analyzes factors affecting COVID-19 patient outcomes among 2262 American Indian people living on or near White Mountain Apache tribal lands, with data from April 1 to Jul 31, 2020. Highlights the significance of reduced mortality in the study population, and discusses possible impacts of a home visit referral program.
Author(s): Ryan M. Close, Chelsea S. Lutz, T. Shaifer Jones, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 24, 648
Date: 03/2024
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Analyzes factors affecting COVID-19 patient outcomes among 2262 American Indian people living on or near White Mountain Apache tribal lands, with data from April 1 to Jul 31, 2020. Highlights the significance of reduced mortality in the study population, and discusses possible impacts of a home visit referral program.
Author(s): Ryan M. Close, Chelsea S. Lutz, T. Shaifer Jones, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 24, 648
Date: 03/2024
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Optimizing Postpartum Care in Rural Communities: Insights from Women in Arizona and Implications for Policy
Analyzes the postpartum care needs of women living in rural Arizona. Reports on interview feedback from 30 women structured around themes of maternity care and networks of care, structural support and systems, and health information and literacy. Discusses potential implications for policy and practice related to rural postpartum care.
Author(s): Abidemi Okechukwu, Priscilla Magrath, Halimatou Alaofe, et al.
Citation: Maternal and Child Health Journal, 28, 1148-1159
Date: 02/2024
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Analyzes the postpartum care needs of women living in rural Arizona. Reports on interview feedback from 30 women structured around themes of maternity care and networks of care, structural support and systems, and health information and literacy. Discusses potential implications for policy and practice related to rural postpartum care.
Author(s): Abidemi Okechukwu, Priscilla Magrath, Halimatou Alaofe, et al.
Citation: Maternal and Child Health Journal, 28, 1148-1159
Date: 02/2024
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Opioid Stewardship Program Implementation in Rural and Critical Access Hospitals in Arizona
Assesses the implementation of 11 opioid stewardship program (OSP) elements at 17 Arizona Critical Access Hospitals. Compares data between the emergency and inpatient departments and analyzes trends. Discusses standardization of OSPs and both preventing and treating opioid misuse disorder.
Author(s): Benjamin R. Brady, Bianca SantaMaria, Kathryn Tucker Ortiz y Pino, Bridget S. Murphy
Citation: Journal of Opioid Management, 20(1), 21-30
Date: 02/2024
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Assesses the implementation of 11 opioid stewardship program (OSP) elements at 17 Arizona Critical Access Hospitals. Compares data between the emergency and inpatient departments and analyzes trends. Discusses standardization of OSPs and both preventing and treating opioid misuse disorder.
Author(s): Benjamin R. Brady, Bianca SantaMaria, Kathryn Tucker Ortiz y Pino, Bridget S. Murphy
Citation: Journal of Opioid Management, 20(1), 21-30
Date: 02/2024
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Quantifying Arizona's Mental Health Workforce Shortage Using Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Data, Updated: January 2025
Report describing the shortages of psychiatrist physicians in Arizona. Data include shortages in both tribal nations and at a county-level.
Date: 01/2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Report describing the shortages of psychiatrist physicians in Arizona. Data include shortages in both tribal nations and at a county-level.
Date: 01/2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Health Status Profile of American Indians in Arizona: 2021 Data Book
Provides detailed data on Native Americans in Arizona. Covers sociodemographics, healthcare use, mortality by age and for different causes such as diabetes, and maternal and newborn health factors. Presents data by tribe and by select county for Native populations residing off-reservation.
Author(s): Matthew Roach, Yan Huang, Clare Torres
Date: 01/2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
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Provides detailed data on Native Americans in Arizona. Covers sociodemographics, healthcare use, mortality by age and for different causes such as diabetes, and maternal and newborn health factors. Presents data by tribe and by select county for Native populations residing off-reservation.
Author(s): Matthew Roach, Yan Huang, Clare Torres
Date: 01/2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
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Arizona AHEC Annual Report, 2024
Highlights the Arizona Area Health Education Centers' (AzAHEC) initiatives and achievements in 2024. Provides details and statistics on AzAHEC's programs supporting workforce education, training, and recruitment. Discusses rural and border areas of Arizona throughout.
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Area Health Education Center Program
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Highlights the Arizona Area Health Education Centers' (AzAHEC) initiatives and achievements in 2024. Provides details and statistics on AzAHEC's programs supporting workforce education, training, and recruitment. Discusses rural and border areas of Arizona throughout.
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Area Health Education Center Program
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The University of Arizona Center for Rural Health Annual Report FY 2023-2024
Highlights the Center for Rural Health's accomplishments, and describes challenges and opportunities for improving the health of rural Arizonans in the upcoming year. Discusses the State Office of Rural Health, Arizona Health Improvement Plan (AzHIP), Arizona Rural Hospital Flexibility program (AzFLEX), Arizona Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (AzSHIP), and other programs.
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Highlights the Center for Rural Health's accomplishments, and describes challenges and opportunities for improving the health of rural Arizonans in the upcoming year. Discusses the State Office of Rural Health, Arizona Health Improvement Plan (AzHIP), Arizona Rural Hospital Flexibility program (AzFLEX), Arizona Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (AzSHIP), and other programs.
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Strategies to Reduce Barriers for Underserved Students in Health Professions Programs: Addressing Rural and Urban Health Professional Shortages by Building a Diverse Healthcare Workforce
Evaluates barriers to the education, recruitment, and placement of rural and underserved health professions students in Arizona, utilizing interview data from 15 educators and program managers with relevant experience. Identifies opportunities for improvement, including discussion of pathway programs, financial aid, admission practices, community supports, public policy, and more.
Author(s): J Ringhand, A Oteng-Quarshie, J Peters, A Garn, B Koch, D Derksen
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Evaluates barriers to the education, recruitment, and placement of rural and underserved health professions students in Arizona, utilizing interview data from 15 educators and program managers with relevant experience. Identifies opportunities for improvement, including discussion of pathway programs, financial aid, admission practices, community supports, public policy, and more.
Author(s): J Ringhand, A Oteng-Quarshie, J Peters, A Garn, B Koch, D Derksen
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Arizona Health Improvement Plan Summary Document 2024-2025 Update
Describes state efforts to address health priorities in Arizona, including health equity, social determinants of health, mental well-being, and rural and urban underserved health. Highlights strategies to improve public health in each identified area.
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
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Describes state efforts to address health priorities in Arizona, including health equity, social determinants of health, mental well-being, and rural and urban underserved health. Highlights strategies to improve public health in each identified area.
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
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