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Rural Health Information Hub

Delay Discounting and Self-Reported Impulsivity in Adolescent Smokers and Nonsmokers Living in Rural Appalachia

Examines whether impulsivity is associated with adolescent smoking status in rural Appalachian regions of Ohio and Kentucky. Impulsivity data was collected for two measures, delay discounting and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale 11, through self-reported assessments. Includes demographic data on adolescent smokers and nonsmokers by number of cigarettes per day, number of friends who smoke, whether their closest friend smokes, and if at least one parent smokes.
Russell Lewis, Millie Harris, Stacey A. Slone, Brent J. Shelton, Brady Reynolds
The American Journal on Addictions, 24(6), 492-494
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Appalachia · Children and youth · Statistics and data · Tobacco use · Kentucky · Ohio