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Rural Health Information Hub

A Community-Based, Culturally Relevant Intervention to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity among Middle-Aged African American Women in Rural Alabama: Findings from a Group Randomized Controlled Trial

Examines a community-based, culturally relevant intervention to promote healthy eating and physical activity among African American women between the ages of 45-65 living in rural Alabama. Includes study participant demographic data at the starting baseline and a 24 month follow up. Covers healthy lifestyle data at the starting baseline, 12 month, and 24 month follow up for dietary and physical activity measures.
Isabel C. Scarinci, Artisha Moore, Theresa Wynn, et al.
Preventive Medicine, 69, 13-20
Tagged as
Black or African American · Culture and cultural competency · Food security and nutrition · Physical activity · Statistics and data · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention · Women · Alabama