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Rural Health Information Hub

Comparison of Enrollment Rates of African-American Families Into a School-Based Tobacco Prevention Trial Using Two Recruitment Strategies in Urban and Rural Settings

Describes results from using two recruitment approaches targeting rural and urban African-American elementary school families in the South for enrollment in a tobacco prevention program. The intervention used the Facilitate, Open and transparent communication, Shared benefits, Team and tailored, Educate bilaterally, and Relationships, realistic and rewards (FOSTER) approach, which is based on community-based participatory research (CBPR) principles.
Martha S. Tingen, Jeannette O. Andrews, Janie Heath, et al.
American Journal of Health Promotion, 27(4), e91–e100
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Children and youth · Families · Research methods and resources · Rural-urban differences · Schools · The South · Tobacco use · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention