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Rural Health Information Hub

Medicaid's Role in Small Towns and Rural Areas

Discusses the roles Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) play in providing health coverage to residents of small towns and rural areas. Presents data from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) on the percentage of children, non-elderly adults, and older adults covered by Medicaid and CHIP in 2023, and compares the share of Medicaid coverage of these groups by metro areas and small town/rural residence. Describes Medicaid coverage of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) in metro and non-metro areas. Includes lists of the top 20 small towns and rural areas with the highest share of children, non-elderly adults, and older adults covered by Medicaid.
Joan Alker, Aubrianna Osorio, Edwin Park
Georgetown University Health Policy Institute
Tagged as
Access · American Indian or Alaska Native · Children and youth · County-by-county data · Elderly population · Medicaid · Rural-urban differences · State-by-state data · State-by-state

Organizations (1)

  • Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, view details