The Effects of Message Framing on US Police Chiefs' Support for Interventions for Opioid Use Disorder: A Randomized Survey Experiment
Examines how U.S. police chiefs frame cultural messages surrounding opioid use disorder interventions and the focus on public health and harm reduction versus public safety. Analyzes data from 276 police chiefs related to overdose prevention centers, syringe service programs (SSPs), Good Samaritan laws, Narcan distribution, collaboration for public health and safety, and acceptance of officers in recovery. Includes demographic breakdowns of police chiefs, such as region, urbanicity, and population per officer.
Brandon del Pozo, Saba Rouhani, Amelia Bailey, et al.
Health & Justice, 12, 50
Tagged as
Criminal justice system
· Culture
· Illicit drug use
· Networking and collaboration
· Prescription drug misuse
· Rural-urban differences
· Statistics and data
· Stigma