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Rural Health Information Hub

Districts Try with Limited Success to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism: Selected Findings from the Spring 2024 American School District Panel Survey and Interviews

Discusses the rise of chronic absenteeism in schools in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the various causes, such as mental health, flexibility of remote learning, and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic challenges. Provides interview and survey data from 190 school district leaders and includes information on the percentage of districts experiencing chronic absenteeism and at what level; the characteristics of districts, including region, size, and urbanicity; and district methods of reducing chronic absenteeism.
Melissa Kay Diliberti, Lydia R. Rainey, Lisa Chu, Heather L. Schwartz
RAND Corporation
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COVID-19 · Children and youth · Mental health · Rural-urban differences · Schools · Statistics and data

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