Ground Ambulance Industry Trends, 2017–2022: Analysis of Medicare Fee-for-Service Claims
Explores whether ground ambulance organizations have changed between 2017 and 2022. Examines trends in the number of
ground ambulance transports paid for by traditional fee-for-service Medicare, the characteristics of organizations billing Medicare for these services, the most common diagnosis codes reported on Medicare ground ambulance claims, and the share of transports to or from an end-stage renal disease (ESRD) facility. Discusses how the growth in Medicare Advantage enrollment could impact the volume of traditional Medicare ground ambulance transports. Includes data on ground ambulance transports by service area population density.
Petra W. Rasmussen, Jonathan Cantor, Jennifer Gildner, Sara Heins, Andrew W. Mulcahy
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RAND Corporation
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Emergency medical services
· Health conditions
· Health insurance
· Medicare
· Statistics and data
· Transportation