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Rural Health Information Hub

Using Social Risks to Predict Unplanned Hospital Readmission and Emergency Care Among Hospitalized Veterans

Examines the correlation of hospital readmission rates of veterans and social risk. Utilizes 2016-2022 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) data to create a social risk index, focusing on domains such as psychosocial, financial, housing, food insecurity, violence, access to care, neighborhood deprivation, and more. Includes breakdowns of social risk according to sociodemographic variables, VA priority enrollment, hospital readmission, and rural, highly rural, or urban.
Portia Y. Cornell, Cassandra L. Hua, Zachary M. Buchalksi, et al.
Health Services Research, 60(1)
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Emergency department and urgent care services · Inpatient care · Rural-urban differences · Social determinants of health · Statistics and data · Veterans