Examining Alignment of Community Health Teams' Preferences for Health, Equity, and Spending with State All-payer Waiver Priorities: A Discrete Choice Experiment
Provides an overview of the Vermont All-Payer Model (VAPM) and regional community health teams (CHTs). Analyzes the results of a survey of all 13 Vermont CHTs to describe how VAPM and CHTs interact and how VAPM impacts the priorities and design of community-based CHTs. Examines how community-based CHTs make trade-offs made between health, health equity, and healthcare spending.
Eline M. van den Broek-Altenburg, Jamie S. Benson, Adam J. Atherly
Health Services Research, 59(Suppl.1), e14257
Tagged as
Accountable Care Organizations
· Health reform
· Healthcare business and finance
· Reimbursement and payment models
· Service delivery models
· Statistics and data
· Vermont