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Rural Health Information Hub

Disparities in Patient Portal Access by U.S. Adults Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Reports on a population-based survey to determine if socio-demographic disparities exist in accessing online patient portals. Using data from the 2020 U.S. Health Information National Trends Survey, insured adults who had a medical visit in the previous 12 months were asked about their knowledge, access, and use of online medical records. Demographic characteristics of patients who were offered access, and for patients who accessed online portals are compared. Reasons for not using an online portal are discussed. Compares online patient portal use by different patient characteristics, including education, race/ethnicity, sex, age, location (metro vs nonmetro/rural), insurance type, use of internet, and quality of care.
Akira Nishii, Celeste Campos-Castillo, Denise Anthony
JAMIA Open, 5(4)
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Access · Health disparities · Health information technology · Healthcare quality · Population health · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data