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Rural Health Information Hub

Evaluation of the Vermont All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model: Second Evaluation Report

Evaluates the first three performance years of the Vermont All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model (VTAPM), which aims to assess whether scaling an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) across all payers in the state can reduce program expenditures while preserving or improving care quality. Discusses the implementation of the model, provider engagement, efforts to address population health goals; characteristics of participating hospitals, practitioners, and beneficiaries; and the model's impacts on Medicare spending, utilization, and quality of care. Describes changes to the model's design in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency and how COVID-19 and a cyberattack impacted healthcare utilization. Includes information on hospital and provider participation in rural areas and limited participation by Critical Access Hospitals.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, NORC at the University of Chicago
Tagged as
Accountable Care Organizations · Emergency preparedness and response · Health reform · Healthcare business and finance · Medicare · Reimbursement and payment models · Statistics and data · Vermont

Organizations (1)