Clarity for Rural Emergency Hospitals and Changes for Critical Access Hospitals: CMS Finalizes Conditions of Participation and Payment and Enrollment Policies But Pauses Stark Law Flexibilities
Provides an overview of the Rural Emergency Hospitals (REHs) provisions of the Calendar Year 2023 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment System Final Rule. Discusses REH reimbursement, Conditions of Participation (CoPs), enrollment provisions, and Stark Law regulatory modifications to accommodate REHs. Highlights changes to the definition of "primary roads" related to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) CoPs.
Emily Jane Cook, Caroline Reignley, Amber Arnold, Sandra M. DiVarco
McDermott Will & Emery
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Critical Access Hospitals
· Healthcare business and finance
· Legislation and regulations
· Medicare
· Reimbursement and payment models
· Rural Emergency Hospitals