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Rural Health Information Hub

COVID-19 and the Rural Health Workforce: The Impact of Federal Pandemic Funding to Address Workforce Needs

Policy brief describing workforce challenges faced by rural healthcare delivery systems during the COVID-19 pandemic, and discussing how pre-pandemic financial instability in rural healthcare facilities may have contributed to these challenges. Discusses the availability of federal pandemic funding to address rural health workforce needs, the ability of rural facilities to access and utilize the funding, and the long-term needs of the rural health workforce and delivery system. Addresses telehealth solutions to workforce challenges, and funding sources for mental health needs of health professionals
Natalia V. Oster, Davis G. Patterson, Susan M. Skillman, Bianca K. Frogner
UW Center for Health Workforce Studies
Tagged as
COVID-19 · Funding · Health workforce supply and demand · Mental health · Recruitment and retention of health professionals · Reimbursement and payment models · Telehealth

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