Access to Marketplace Plans with Low Premiums on the Federal Platform Part II: Availability among Uninsured Non-elderly Adults under the American Rescue Plan
Analyzes the expanded access to federally-sponsored Health
Insurance Marketplace low premium plans among eligible
uninsured non-elderly adults under the American Rescue Plan
(ARP). Table 2 provides demographic data on zero- and
low-premium plan availability pre- and post-ARP by rural
status, age, income, and race/ethnicity. Includes uninsured
non-elderly adult data by state for zero- and low-premium
plan availability for both pre- and post-ARP.
D. Keith Branham, Ann B. Conmy, Thomas DeLeire, et al.
HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Tagged as
Health insurance
· Rural-urban differences
· Statistics and data
· Uninsured and underinsured
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