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Rural Health Information Hub

An Implementation and Impact Evaluation of From Coverage to Care

Analysis of the use in rural and urban areas of Coverage to Care (C2C) online and print resources, developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH), for healthcare professionals and consumers. C2C resources offer tools for providers to promote and improve access to care and support consumer engagement. C2C also helps consumers understand the value of health insurance coverage and of working with a provider to prevent and achieve health. Data is derived from CMS, Census Bureau Zip Code Tabulation Area (USCB-ZCTA), American Community Survey (ACS), Kaiser Health, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), and Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project State Emergency Department Databases (HCUP-SEDD).
Thomas W. Concannon, Laurie T. Martin, Kathryn E. Bouskill, et al.
RAND Corporation
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Access · Population health · Primary care · Statistics and data · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention

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