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Rural Health Information Hub

Design and Operation: 2013 National Survey of Children in Nonparental Care and 2014 National Survey of the Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD and Tourette Syndrome

Reports on the development, plan, and operation of two surveys, the 2013 National Survey of Children in Nonparental Care (NSCNC) and the 2014 National Survey of Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD and Tourette Syndrome (NSDATA). Tables X and XIII include data on the percentage of children in the NSCNC that lived in metropolitan and nonmetro areas. Tables XVI and XIX report metro/nonmetro data for children in the NSDATA ADHD module.
Benjamin Zablotsky, Matthew D. Bramlett, Jacquelyn M. George, et al.
National Center for Health Statistics
Tagged as
Children and youth · Health conditions · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data

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