Characteristics of Inpatient Hospital Stays Involving Sickle Cell Disease, 2000–2016
Examines inpatient stays among patients with sickle cell disease (SCD), with trends by patient age from 2000-2016. Also reports on characteristics of inpatient stays in 2016, including data on the location of patient residence for metropolitan, rural metro-adjacent, and rural remote areas. Includes data by patient location for Black patients with SCD-related stays compared to Black U.S. residents as a whole. Also reports on SCD-related stays by hospital location for metropolitan, rural metro-adjacent, and rural remote areas.
Kathryn R. Fingar, Pamela L. Owens, Lawrence D. Reid, et al.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Health conditions
· Hospitals
· Inpatient care
· Rural-urban differences
· Statistics and data