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Rural Health Information Hub

EMS Services in Rural America: Challenges and Opportunities

Policy brief describing challenges for rural EMS providers, including workforce shortages and inconsistent funding. Features statistics including percentage of potentially excess deaths for 5 leading causes of death, with breakdowns by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, and average EMS call time response and distribution of all-volunteer and all-paid staff EMS agencies, with breakdowns by 4 levels of population density. Discusses effects of the opioid crisis and Critical Access Hospital closures on provision of EMS services.
Nikki King, Marcus Pigman, Sarah Huling, Brian Hanson
National Rural Health Association
Tagged as
Access · Closures of healthcare facilities and services · Emergency medical services · Emergency medical technicians and paramedics · Funding · Health workforce supply and demand · Illicit drug use · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data

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