Rural Project Examples: Behavioral health
Other Project Examples
ASPIN's Certified Recovery Specialist Program

Updated/reviewed September 2022
- Need: Improved approach in addressing the behavioral health and primary care disparities of Indiana's rural counties.
- Intervention: A network was established that trained community health workers (CHWs) to be certified health insurance enrollment navigators and provide mental health services.
- Results: This year, ASPIN trained 230 CHWs, cross-trained 70 behavioral health case managers as CHWs, and 35 individuals in the Indiana Navigator Pre-certification Education.
Geezers, Gulpers, and Gardeners
Updated/reviewed September 2022
- Need: Suicide rates among men age 65 and older have been rising in North Carolina. Challenges include losing friends, illnesses, and the loss of independence – all of which can lead to isolation and depression.
- Intervention: The Chatham County Council on Aging of North Carolina started Geezers, Gulpers, and Gardeners (3G Group) to connect retired men in need of male friends and mutual support.
- Results: Men in similar stages of life and varying backgrounds are forming friendships, engaging in activities, and taking care of their mental health.
Isanti County SafeCab Program
Updated/reviewed August 2022
- Need: To reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by drunk driving in Isanti County.
- Intervention: The SafeCab program provides alternative transportation home for bar patrons who would otherwise drive impaired.
- Results: The program is credited with a significant decrease in DUI (Driving Under the Influence) arrests and the lower average corresponding BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) levels in Isanti County.
Staggered Sentencing for Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders
Updated/reviewed August 2022
- Need: To reduce the incidences of repeat drunk driving.
- Intervention: Repeat DWI (driving while intoxicated) offenders were given a staggered sentence, allowing them to serve their sentence in segments of time, typically separated by several months to a year. The offender was able to file a motion to request a waiver for the remaining sentence period(s), if able to show that he/she maintained sobriety.
- Results: The incidence of recidivism, or crime relapse, has been reduced among offenders given staggered sentences, by comparison to offenders given traditional DWI sentences. The program has also reduced the average cost of jail time that otherwise would have been served from a full sentence.
Seneca Strong's Certified Addiction Recovery Coaches
Updated/reviewed July 2022
- Need: The Seneca Nation of Indians has experienced disproportionate rates of opioid, alcohol, and substance misuse.
- Intervention: The Seneca Nation Government and Executives founded Seneca Strong, a recovery peer advocate program, with the goal of reducing substance misuse across the Nation.
- Results: Seneca Strong has since grown in personnel and capacity to meet the needs of the Allegany and Cattaraugus territories of the Seneca Nation.
New Horizons Geriatric Counseling Program
Updated/reviewed June 2022
- Need: Improved behavioral health care offerings for a community after losing 5 senior-aged men to suicide.
- Intervention: A Critical Access Hospital in Yoakum, Texas, created a community-based program focusing on inpatient and outpatient behavioral health care for area residents age 50 and older.
- Results: A financially-sustainable behavioral health care delivery model demonstrating positive impacts on physical health conditions, healthcare service utilization, and high patient satisfaction rates.
New Horizons Substance Use Recovery Network

Updated/reviewed August 2021
- Need: In northern Michigan, a need for an integrated approach to deliver medication-assisted treatment for established patients of Federally Qualified Health Centers with opioid use disorder.
- Intervention: Collaboration between one FQHC across 3 sites, a local waivered prescriber group, and a behavioral health organization created an integrated treatment approach for opioid use disorder.
- Results: Increased access to medication-assisted treatment and comprehensive substance use disorder services leading to increased retention in treatment and increased engagement in stable recovery from opioid and alcohol use disorders.
Pathways Vermont Housing First Program
Updated/reviewed April 2021
- Need: Ending a local Vermont population's homelessness experience.
- Intervention: In 2010, Pathways Vermont implemented a first-of-its-kind, rural-focused Housing First program in order to provide housing and support services to those with mental health and substance use conditions experiencing homelessness.
- Results: Since its initial start-up, Pathways Vermont has assisted over 560 Vermonters — about 70% from rural areas — experiencing homelessness using the Housing First model. The organization has collaborated with the state mental health department, corrections department, local healthcare systems and providers, and other organizations to end homelessness. In addition, programmatic work has expanded to reach other local populations, including veterans and at-risk families.
Family Wellness Warriors Initiative
Updated/reviewed November 2020
- Need: Decrease rates of domestic violence, child sexual abuse, and child neglect for people in remote tribal villages.
- Intervention: An evidence-based model of traditional culture trains local communities on methods of prevention and treatment for domestic and interpersonal violence.
- Results: Self-sustaining local system with improved family and spiritual well-being and decreased healthcare access needs.
SLV N.E.E.D.: Naloxone Education Empowerment Distribution Program

Updated/reviewed August 2020
- Need: Growing concern in rural Colorado communities regarding prescription and illegal opioid overdoses.
- Intervention: Education efforts for health workers and the larger community, in addition to establishing a naloxone overdose reversal drug program.
- Results: In addition to continuing to train nearly all first responders to administer naloxone, the organization provides harm reduction education in various community settings.
For examples from other sources, see: