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Rural Health Information Hub

Other Case Studies and Collections of Program Examples: Sustainability of programs

In addition to RHIhub's Rural Health Models and Innovations rural program examples, you may also want to browse other case studies, databases, and websites with collections of health programs.

Each resource listed below uses its own criteria for selecting program examples, which may range from programs known to be effective based on research to anecdotal accounts. In each resource, you may want to review information on the level of evidence required for a program's inclusion.

May include non-rural programs that could be applicable to rural health delivery.

CommHIT Shoots for the Moon
Features a Rural Public Health Workforce Training Network grantee, CommHIT, that is assisting Florida partners with workforce development initiatives. Describes its workforce development efforts focused on community health workers (CHWs) and community paramedics, as well as cybersecurity and other technology-related trainings.
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 02/2024
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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El Dorado Community Health Centers: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in Rural California through Community Partnerships
Case study describing how El Dorado Community Health Centers, a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in California, works with a community coalition to address the opioid epidemic and implement a medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) program. Covers the infrastructure of the MOUD program, staffing and services, financing, and more. Highlights challenges and successes, as well as recommendations for other health centers.
Author(s): Ashley Jasko, Meryl Schulman
Date: 01/2024
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Care Strategies
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Rural Maternity Innovation Summit Reports
Findings from a March 2024 Clifton, Texas summit that brought together leaders from six innovative and sustainable rural maternity programs. The site report provides case studies, sharing information on maternity services, staffing, financial strategies, and more. The leader report shares strategies and identifies leadership competencies, values, and character traits that support the leaders' abilities to meet the challenges in providing sustainable rural maternity services in rural communities.
Author(s): Erin E. Sullivan, Benjamin Anderson, Mark Deutchman
Date: 2024
Sponsoring organization: University of Colorado School of Medicine Rural Program
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Filling the Gaps: Program Builds Referral and Recovery Services in Western Massachusetts
Features a rural Massachusetts coalition's work to address substance misuse and build sustainable recovery services, with support from the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP). Discusses youth outreach and engagement, stigma reduction activities, facilitating access to services, and more.
Author(s): Kay Miller Temple
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 11/2023
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Rural Health Network Thrives on Innovation in Whole-Person Care
Profiles a rural health network in Missouri that includes social service support at four of their clinics. Offers an overview of how the program began, highlights their innovative approaches to addressing community needs, and discusses network sustainability.
Date: 02/2019
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Value
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Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program Supports Sustainable Change
Provides an overview of the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy's Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program and the impact several grantees have made in their communities. Discusses how the grantees planned their projects with the goal of sustaining services after the grant funding ends.
Author(s): Jenn Lukens
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 11/2017
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Rural Health Philanthropy Partnership: Leveraging Public-Private Funds to Improve Health
Highlights the work of two grantees funded through the Rural Health Care Coordination Network Partnership Program, a combined effort of the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy and philanthropy organizations. Discusses how the coordinated efforts of the grantees and their philanthropy partners benefit patients.
Author(s): Kay Miller Temple
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 05/2017
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Hawaiian Weight Management Program Aims for Healthy, Happy Lives
Highlights KÅ«lana Hawaii, a weight management program that helps Native Hawaiians and the medically underserved population on the islands of Oahu and Molokai.
Author(s): Jami Schumacher
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 02/2015
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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The Dynamics of Sustainability: A Primer for Rural Health Organizations
Provides information and case studies on sustainability for rural organizations that are starting new programs. The case studies were identified from a study of rural health organizations that received funding from the Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP).
Date: 02/2012
Sponsoring organization: Health Resources and Services Administration
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Rural Behavioral Health Programs and Promising Practices
Examines rural behavioral health programs that were involved in a 2008 study. Reports information gathered from the study, the value of collecting and using the data to make program improvements, and finding funding for sustainability.
Date: 06/2011
Sponsoring organization: Health Resources and Services Administration
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