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Rural Health Information Hub

Other Case Studies and Collections of Program Examples: Mental health

In addition to RHIhub's Rural Health Models and Innovations rural program examples, you may also want to browse other case studies, databases, and websites with collections of health programs.

Each resource listed below uses its own criteria for selecting program examples, which may range from programs known to be effective based on research to anecdotal accounts. In each resource, you may want to review information on the level of evidence required for a program's inclusion.

May include non-rural programs that could be applicable to rural health delivery.

Case Study: Health Coaches Partner with Community Members to Achieve Health and Wellness Goals
Details key steps and lessons learned to implementing a Health Coach program at Saunders Medical Center in Wahoo, Nebraska. Describes the program serving Wahoo and its surrounding communities. Provides education and advocacy for patients' overall health that produced positive results in 4 areas: mental health, breast health, diabetes, and obesity.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bryan Health, Edge Wellness, Family Service Lincoln, Saunders County Prevention Coalition, Saunders Medical Center, Three Rivers Public Health Department, Wahoo Parks and Recreation
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Case Study: Hospital and School District Partner for Emotional Health
Describes an initiative started by leaders of the Fillmore County Hospital and Fillmore Central Public Schools to address behavioral health issues among the student population in Fillmore, Nebraska. Details program goals to connect high risk students with specialized help and promote ongoing mental health wellness through educator, parent, and student training.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bryan Health, Fillmore Central Panthers, Fillmore County Hospital
view details Program Directory
Searchable directory of evidence-based programs to prevent and/or reduce delinquency or other problem behaviors in young people. Includes programs addressing mental health and substance abuse issues.
Type: Website
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