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Rural Health Information Hub


An independent organization focusing on the major healthcare issues facing the nation. Serves as a source of statistics, facts, and analysis about health policy for policymakers, the media, the healthcare community, and the general public.

Resources (101)

  • Access and Coverage for Mental Health Care: Findings from the 2022 KFF Women's Health Survey, 12/2022, view details
  • Addressing the Opioid Crisis: A Look at the Evolving Landscape of Federal OUD Treatment Policies, 07/2023, view details
  • The Affordable Care Act and Insurance Coverage in Rural Areas, 05/2014, view details
  • Aiming for Fewer Hospital U-turns: The Medicare Hospital Readmission Reduction Program, 03/2017, view details
  • Americans' Experiences With Gun-Related Violence, Injuries, And Deaths, 04/2023, view details
  • Amid Unwinding of Pandemic-Era Policies, Medicaid Programs Continue to Focus on Delivery Systems, Benefits, and Reimbursement Rates: Results from an Annual Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024, 11/2023, view details
  • Beneficiary Experience, Affordability, Utilization, and Quality in Medicare Advantage and Traditional Medicare: A Review of the Literature, 09/2022, view details
  • Beyond the Numbers: Access to Reproductive Health Care for Low-Income Women in Five Communities, 11/2019, view details
  • Building on the Evidence Base: Studies on the Effects of Medicaid Expansion, February 2020 to March 2021, 05/2021, view details
  • Challenges and Strategies in Expanding Non-Traditional Pregnancy-Related Services: Findings from a Survey of State Medicaid Programs, 05/2024, view details
  • Changes in Insurance Coverage in Rural Areas under the ACA: A Focus on Medicaid Expansion States, 05/2017, view details
  • A Closer Look at the Final Nursing Facility Rule and Which Facilities Might Meet New Staffing Requirements, 05/2024, view details
  • Community Health Center Financing: The Role of Medicaid and Section 330 Grant Funding Explained, 03/2019, view details
  • Community Health Centers: A 2012 Profile and Spotlight on Implications of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions, 09/2014, view details
  • Community Health Centers and Family Planning in an Era of Policy Uncertainty, 03/2018, view details
  • Community Health Centers in a Time of Change: Results from an Annual Survey, 04/2020, view details
  • Community Health Centers: Recent Growth and the Role of the ACA, 01/2017, view details
  • Coverage and Utilization of Telemedicine Services by Enrollees in Large Employer Plans, 03/2020, view details
  • COVID-19 Presents Significant Risks for American Indian and Alaska Native People, 05/2020, view details
  • Disparities in Health and Health Care: 5 Key Questions and Answers, 04/2023, view details
  • Disparities in Health Measures By Race and Ethnicity Among Beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage: A Review of the Literature, 12/2023, view details
  • Drilling Down on Dental Coverage and Costs for Medicare Beneficiaries, 03/2019, view details
  • The Effects of Medicaid Expansion under the ACA: Studies from January 2014 to January 2020, 03/2020, view details
  • Experiences with Health Care Access, Cost, and Coverage: Findings from the 2022 KFF Women's Health Survey, 12/2022, view details
  • Factors Affecting States' Ability to Respond to Federal Medicaid Cuts and Caps: Which States Are Most At Risk?, 06/2017, view details
  • Federal Legislation to Address the Opioid Crisis: Medicaid Provisions in the SUPPORT Act, 10/2018, view details
  • Findings from the Field: Medicaid Delivery Systems and Access to Care in Four States in Year Three of the ACA, 09/2016, view details
  • Five Things to Know About Medicare Site-Neutral Payment Reforms, 06/2024, view details
  • Health and Health Care for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIANs), 05/2019, view details
  • Health and Health Care for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders (NHOPIs) in the United States, 05/2019, view details
  • Health and Health Care for Indigenous People, 11/2022, view details
  • Health and Health Care in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region, 11/2022, view details
  • Health Care in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands: A Six-Month Check-Up After the Storms (Report), 04/2018, view details
  • The Health Care Views and Experiences of Rural Americans: Findings from the Kaiser Family Foundation/Washington Post Survey of Rural America, 06/2017, view details
  • Health Coverage Among American Indian and Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander People, 11/2023, view details
  • Health Coverage and Care in the South: A Chartbook, 04/2014, view details
  • Health Insurance Coverage in Rural America: Chartbook, 09/2003, view details
  • Marketplace Plan Selections by Rural Status, 2023, view details
  • Housing Affordability, Adequacy, and Access to the Internet in Homes of Medicaid Enrollees, 09/2021, view details
  • How Affordable Are 2019 ACA Premiums for Middle-Income People?, 03/2019, view details
  • How Do Dual-Eligible Individuals Get Their Medicare Coverage?, 07/2023, view details
  • How Does Cost Affect Access to Healthcare?, 01/2024, view details
  • How Equitable is Access to COVID-19 Treatments?, 06/2022, view details
  • How Might Internet Connectivity Affect Health Care Access?, 12/2020, view details
  • The HPV Vaccine: Access and Use in the U.S., 08/2018, view details
  • The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use, 03/2023, view details
  • Insurer Participation on the ACA Marketplaces, 2014-2021, 11/2020, view details
  • Interest in Using Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptive Pills: Findings from the 2022 KFF Women's Health Survey, 11/2022, view details
  • KFF Health News Morning Briefing, view details
  • KFF Tracking Poll July 2023: Substance Use Crisis And Accessing Treatment, 08/2023, view details
  • Legal and Historical Roots of Health Care for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 02/2004, view details
  • A Look at Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility, Enrollment, and Renewal Policies During the Unwinding of Continuous Enrollment and Beyond, 06/2024, view details
  • A Look at Rural Hospital Closures and Implications for Access to Care: Three Case Studies, 07/2016, view details
  • A Look at the Latest Alcohol Death Data and Change Over the Last Decade, 05/2024, view details
  • A Look at the Latest Suicide Data and Change Over the Last Decade, 08/2023, view details
  • Many Women Use Preventive Services, but Gaps in Awareness of Insurance Coverage Requirements Persist: Findings from the 2022 KFF Women's Health Survey, 02/2023, view details
  • Medicaid and American Indians and Alaska Natives, view details
  • Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility, Enrollment, and Renewal Policies as States Prepare for the Unwinding of the Pandemic-Era Continuous Enrollment Provision, 03/2023, view details
  • Medicaid Benefits: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services, view details
  • Medicaid Benefits: Rural Health Clinic Services, view details
  • Medicaid Enrollees by Urban/Rural Status, view details
  • Medicaid Financing Cliff: Implications for the Health Care Systems in Puerto Rico and USVI, 05/2019, view details
  • Medicaid in the Territories: Program Features, Challenges, and Changes, 01/2019, view details
  • Medicaid Work Requirements in Arkansas: Experience and Perspectives of Enrollees, 12/2018, view details
  • Medicare Advantage 2024 Spotlight: First Look, 11/2023, view details
  • Medicare Advantage Enrollment, Plan Availability and Premiums in Rural Areas, 09/2023, view details
  • Medicare Advantage in 2023: Enrollment Update and Key Trends, 08/2023, view details
  • Medicare and Telehealth: Coverage and Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Options for the Future, 05/2021, view details
  • More Employers Are Paying for Telemedicine, but Enrollee Take-Up Has Been Relatively Low, 10/2018, view details
  • No Mercy, 2019, view details
  • OBGYNs and the Provision of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care: Key Findings from a National Survey, 02/2021, view details
  • One Year after the Storms: Recovery and Health Care in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, 09/2018, view details
  • Outpatient Telehealth Use Soared Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic but Has since Receded, 02/2022, view details
  • An Overview of Medicare, 02/2019, view details
  • Private Plans in Medicare: A 2007 Update, 03/2007, view details
  • Racial Disparities in Cancer Outcomes, Screening, and Treatment, 02/2022, view details
  • Racial Disparities in Maternal and Infant Health: Current Status and Efforts to Address Them, 11/2022, view details
  • Recent Trends in Mental Health and Substance Use Concerns Among Adolescents, 06/2022, view details
  • The Role of Medicaid in Rural America, 04/2017, view details
  • The Role of Medicare and the Indian Health Service for American Indians and Alaska Natives: Health, Access and Coverage, 12/2014, view details
  • Rural Hospitals Face Renewed Financial Challenges, Especially in States That Have Not Expanded Medicaid, 02/2023, view details
  • A Snapshot of Sources of Coverage Among Medicare Beneficiaries, 12/2023, view details
  • Sources of Supplemental Coverage Among Medicare Beneficiaries in 2016, 11/2018, view details
  • State Health Facts, view details
  • State Health Facts: Medicaid Benefits, view details
  • State Health Facts: Status of State Action on the Medicaid Expansion Decision, view details
  • State Policies for Expanding Medicaid Coverage of Community Health Worker (CHW) Services, 01/2023, view details
  • Tapping Nurse Practitioners to Meet Rising Demand for Primary Care, 01/2015, view details
  • Telehealth Has Played an Outsized Role Meeting Mental Health Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 03/2022, view details
  • Telemedicine and Pregnancy Care, 02/2020, view details
  • Telemedicine in Sexual and Reproductive Health, 11/2019, view details
  • Ten Things to Know About Consolidation in Health Care Provider Markets, 04/2024, view details
  • Therapists Learn How To Help Farmers Cope With Stress Before It's Too Late, 06/2024, view details
  • Understanding the Intersection of Medicaid and Work: What Does the Data Say?, 08/2019, view details
  • Urban and Rural Differences in Coronavirus Pandemic Preparedness, 04/2020, view details
  • The Virginia Health Care Landscape, 05/2014, view details
  • What Happens When COVID-19 Emergency Declarations End? Implications for Coverage, Costs, and Access, 01/2023, view details
  • Who is at Risk Amid the H5N1 Influenza Outbreak? Characteristics and Health Coverage of Animal Production Workers, 05/2024, view details
  • Will Availability of Over-the-Counter Narcan Increase Access?, 09/2023, view details
  • With Current Staffing Levels, About 1 in 5 Nursing Facilities Would Meet Fully-Implemented Minimum Staffing Standards in the Final Rule, 04/2024, view details
  • Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: Key Findings from the 2020 KFF Women's Health Survey, 04/2021, view details