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Volunteer Opportunity for HUD's Office of Housing Counseling Tribe and TDHE Certification Exam

Jan 13, 2025

HUD's Office of Housing Counseling (OHC) is working on developing the Housing Counselor Certification Examination as part of the certification program for Tribal entities conducting housing counseling in connection with the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program or the Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) program.

OHC's contractor Ajanta is currently recruiting individuals that work for tribal governments, tribally designated housing entities or other Native housing organizations assisting individuals and families with achieving their housing and financial goals. Volunteers would assist Ajanta on this project and work with the contractor's certification and examination research partner, The Caviart Group, LLC.

You may be contacted by The Caviart Group and invited to take part in this process and to help identify topics that should be covered in the exam. The goal of this process is to ensure the exam accurately assesses the knowledge and skills necessary for competent performance of the job of tribal housing counselors. No prior exam development experience is required, and The Caviart Group will provide an honorarium for your participation.

If you are interested in participating, you may also volunteer at this time by contacting noting your interest. A representative of the Caviart Group will then contact you with additional information.

For verification purposes, please feel free to contact HUD Housing Counselors at

Source: HUD's Southwest Office of Native American Programs