Rural Health Network Development Planning Program
The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy's Rural Health Network Development Planning Program provides one year of support for the planning and development of rural integrated healthcare networks.
Featured Network Development Planning Awardees
This video features a transportation program that grew out of an initial transportation needs assessment. It is also featured in 2020 Rural Monitor article listed below:
Knowledge of Palliative Care in South
August 9, 2023
A volunteer driver program that provides transportation to mobility-challenged clients in rural
The Rural Monitor features the accomplishments of Network Development Planning awardees in these Grants in Motion articles:
Increasing Knowledge of Palliative Care in South
November 16, 2022
A Network Development Planning and Network Development awardee works to increase knowledge of palliative
care among rural healthcare professionals, nursing students, and community members.
Federal Funding for Rural Health: Supporting Planning
and Development Around a Regional Transportation Need
December 9, 2020
Features a transportation program in rural Missouri that grew out of a Network Development Planning
awardee’s assessment of the region’s transportation needs.
Programs funded by the Network Development Planning Program are also featured in the Rural Health Models and Innovations section:
Program Contact
For more information about this program, contact:
Nkemakolem Osian
Call: 301-443-2751