Chart Gallery: Bar Charts
18-24 Year Olds Without a High School Diploma in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2023
Bar chart showing the percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds without a high school diploma in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.
State versions available
Bar chart showing the percentage of adults with one or more emergency department visit in the past year in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.
Advanced Practice Registered Nurses per 10,000 People for Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2022
Bar chart showing the number of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) per 10,000 people for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties. Includes data for total APRNs, nurse practitioners (NPs), and nurse anesthetists.
State versions available
Alcohol Use in Past Month for Metro and Nonmetro Counties, Ages 12-20, 2023
Bar chart showing underage drinking for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan youth.
Alcohol Use in Past Month for Metro and Nonmetro Counties, Ages 21 and Over, 2023
Bar chart showing recent alcohol use for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan adults.
American Indian/Alaska Native Nonmetro Personal Income, 2023
Stacked bar chart showing income ranges for the nonmetropolitan American Indian/Alaska Native population compared to the nonmetro population as a whole.
State versions available
American Indian/Alaska Native Nonmetro Population by Age, 2023
Stacked bar chart showing the age composition of the nonmetropolitan American Indian/Alaska Native population compared to the nonmetro population as a whole. Age groups represented: under age 25, 25-44, 45-64, 65 and older.
State versions available
American Indian/Alaska Native Respondent-Assessed Fair-Poor Health Status, 2019
Bar chart showing the percentage of the American Indian/Alaska Native population and total population reporting fair or poor health status.
American Indian/Alaska Native Respondent-Reported Prevalence of Heart Disease among Adults, 2018
Bar chart showing the proportion of the American Indian/Alaska Native adult population that report having heart disease compared to the total adult population.
American Indian/Alaska Natives with Diagnosed Diabetes, 2021
Bar chart showing the percentage of the American Indian/Alaska Native population and the total population with diagnosed diabetes.