Chart Gallery: American Indian or Alaska Native
Metro and Nonmetro Mortality by Race, 2020
Bar chart showing metropolitan and nonmetropolitan age-adjusted mortality by race.
Mortality by Race for Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2020
Bar chart showing age-adjusted mortality by race for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.
Mortality Rates per 100,000 for American Indian/Alaska Natives and U.S. All Races, 2019
Bar chart showing age-adjusted mortality per 100,000 people for American Indian/Alaska Native, not Hispanic or Latino for 2019, compared to the U.S. as a whole, due to specific health conditions.
Population by Race in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2023
Stacked bar chart showing the number of people in each racial group in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.
State versions available
Race Composition of Population in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2023
Stacked bar chart showing the racial group composition in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.
State versions available
Type of Health Insurance Among American Indian/Alaska Natives, Ages 0-64, 2015
Stacked bar chart showing the composition of health insurance coverage - uninsured, Medicaid/public insurance, and private insurance - for American Indian/Alaska Natives 64 years of age and younger.
Veteran Race Composition in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2023
Stacked bar chart showing the racial group composition of the veteran population in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.
State versions available