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Resources Search Results for: diabetes

332 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 81 - 90:

81. Potentially Preventable Pediatric Hospital Inpatient Stays for Asthma and Diabetes, 2003-2012
Date: Jun 2015

Reports on potentially preventable hospitalizations for asthma and diabetes with short-term complications among children aged 0-17 years. Figure 4 includes data by location of residence for rural and urban areas.

...Diabetes, 2003-2012 --- Reports on potentially preventable hospitalizations for asthma and diabetes with short-term...

82. Community-Engaged Systems for Population Health Improvement: A Novel Approach to Improve Diabetes Outcomes in Rural Communities
Date: Jul 2024

Describes the design and implementation of a community-driven diabetes prevention and care management initiative focused on coalition-building and decentralized decision-making in two rural Nebraska communities. Discusses planning, capacity-building, community engagement, and sustainability.

...Diabetes Outcomes in Rural Communities --- Describes the design and implementation of a community-driven diabetes...

83. Residence in a Distressed County in Appalachia as a Risk Factor for Diabetes, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2006-2007
Date: Sep 2010

Discusses rates of self-reported diagnosed diabetes among residents of Appalachian counties. Shows breakdowns by level of county prosperity, based on unemployment rates, per capita income, and poverty. Includes statistical analysis by age group, sex, income, race/ethnicity, education, tobacco use, physical activity level, and weight status.

...Diabetes, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2006-2007 --- Discusses rates of self-reported diagnosed diabetes...

84. The Social Determinants of Health of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity: A Research Framework
Date: 2015

Examines the social determinants of health related to childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes from a Native perspective, considering historical trauma, self-determination, and cultural factors. Looks at currently available information, identifies gaps, and provides a research framework to help build a better understanding of the causes of child obesity among Native Americans.

...Diabetes and Obesity: A Research Framework --- Examines the social determinants of health related to childhood...

85. Emergency Department Visits for Adults with Diabetes, 2010
Date: Nov 2013

Provides data on emergency department (ED) visits among patients 18 years or older with diabetes. Table 1 provides data by location of patients' residence, urban or rural, for ED visits overall, those resulting in hospitalization, and those resulting in treatment and release.

...Diabetes, 2010 --- Provides data on emergency department (ED) visits among patients 18 years or older...

86. Obesity and Diabetes in the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska: From Community Engagement to Action, 2014-2019
Date: Aug 2019

Describes interventions implemented on the Winnebago Tribe reservation in rural Nebraska and Iowa, focusing on community-selected and culturally adapted policies, systems, and environmental improvements to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes. Strategies include infant and childhood obesity prevention education, promotion of healthy foods and beverages, and improvements to pedestrian safety and built environment.

...Diabetes in the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska: From Community Engagement to Action, 2014-2019 --- Describes...

87. ECHO Diabetes in the Time of COVID-19
Date: Sep 2020

A series of 16 free Continuing Medical Education (CME) accredited webinars offering specialty support for primary care providers when addressing the needs of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

...diabetes during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. --- View more ECHO Diabetes in the Time...

88. Diabetes Self-Management in Rural America as a Public Health Issue
Added: May 2024

Provides a brief overview of diabetes self-management education and support in rural areas, along with relevant CDC resources and reports.

...Diabetes Self-Management in Rural America as a Public Health Issue --- Provides a brief overview...

89. Sources of Stress among Midwest American Indian Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Date: 2019

Highlights a study on the stressors in the lives of American Indians with type 2 diabetes. Presents conclusions drawn from focus groups among 5 tribes in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Details the stressors and discusses the role they play in the participants' lives.

...Diabetes --- Highlights a study on the stressors in the lives of American Indians with type...

90. A Field-Based Approach to Support Improved Diabetes Care in Rural States
Date: Oct 2005

Describes an effective approach that supported rural primary care practices in Montana and Wyoming to provide improved diabetes care.

...diabetes care. --- View more A Field-Based Approach to Support Improved Diabetes Care in Rural...