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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: community health workers

817 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 321 - 330:

321. Module 3: Program Clearinghouse - Rural Promotion and Disease Prevention Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Jan 17, 2024

Examples of 330A Outreach Authority grantees who developed rural health promotion and disease prevention. and wellness information and to increase the number of community members who exercise and have healthy diets. Westchester-Ellenville Hospital Project Title: Family Wellness Program Synopsis: Program that uses community health workers...

322. Engaging Community Members Affected by Health Inequities - RHIhub Health Equity Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Oct 13, 2022

Learn about the importance of engaging community members in health equity initiatives and provide examples of authentic engagement. liaisons like community health workers or social service providers who have close relationships with...

323. Barriers to Establishing Community Paramedicine Programs in Rural Areas - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Jul 16, 2020

Describes common potential barriers to establishing a community paramedicine program in rural areas and identifies solutions that have been implemented by some communities. paramedicine programs. Concerns about duplication of services. Some roles and responsibilities filled by community paramedicine programs may overlap with the activities of existing home health/home visiting services or community health worker...

324. Audiences for Dissemination – RHIhub Rural Early Childhood Health Promotion Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Feb 18, 2021

Describes why dissemination methods must be appropriate to the audience to have the greatest impact. is important when trying to empower and mobilize community change and emphasizing collective efficacy and assets. Evidence supports engaging community health workers...

325. The Most Costly Chronic Medical Condition in America: Experts Talk About the Rural Aspects of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jun 17, 2020

It is the most costly of chronic medical conditions. Described by some as "hidden" conditions, experts talk about the complex needs of rural Americans with Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias and their caregivers. - The Rural Monitor

...Community Living National Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Center Dementia-Capable States and Communities: The Basics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Alzheimer's Disease Health Resources and Services Administration Train Health Care Workers...

326. CMH Addiction Recovery Program - Models & Innovations
Added: Nov 3, 2023

This program provides medication-assisted treatment, counseling, peer and family support, and other related services through a Rural Health Clinic in rural Missouri. paramedic and community health worker program, to start offering MAT in patients' homes. The Osceola...

327. North Carolina Healthcare Association Critical Workforce Needs Assessment - Resources
Date: Mar 2024

Reports on healthcare workforce trends in North Carolina, including discussion of state demographics, policy changes, and strategies influencing workforce needs and availability. Highlights the rural aging population and a need for health workers in rural communities. workers in rural communities. --- View more North Carolina Healthcare Association Critical Workforce Needs Assessment...

328. Biography for Dorothea Nelson, Information Specialist - About RHIhub

Learn more about Dorothea Nelson, Information Specialist for the Rural Health Information Hub. health workers, and J-1 Visa Waivers; and emergency medical services, emergency preparedness and response...

329. Culturally-Centered Care - RHIhub Rural Maternal Health Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: May 17, 2021

Information on how any intervention must consider the background and traditions when treating patients in rural areas., which may be unrelated to race and ethnicity. Community-based doula programs , community health workers...

330. Community Paramedicine Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Aug 29, 2024

Provides information, resources, and answers frequently asked questions related to community paramedicine. Covers benefits and challenges community paramedicine programs in rural communities, defines the role of community paramedics, discusses education and licensure requirements requirements for community paramedic providers, and program funding. Includes community paramedicine models and existing program examples. However, MIH is broader, including healthcare services provided outside of a healthcare facility by any type of health professional, which could include community paramedics, but also nurses, community health workers...