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Resources Search Results for: diabetes

332 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 11 - 20:

11. Enhancing Diabetes Self-Care among Rural African Americans with Diabetes
Date: 2014

Examines the feasibility of conducting a community-based study evaluating a culturally tailored diabetes self-management education program among rural African Americans living in Virginia. Covers outcomes data at baseline, 3-month, and 12-month follow-up, including hemoglobin A1C, blood pressure, diet, exercise, diabetes knowledge, medication adherence, and others.

...Diabetes Self-Care among Rural African Americans with Diabetes --- Examines the feasibility of conducting a community...

12. Community-Based Diabetes Screening and Risk Assessment in Rural West Virginia
Date: Jan 2016

Reports on a cross-sectional study to assess diabetes risk among 540 individuals, 18 years or more, from 12 rural counties in West Virginia. A noninvasive survey combined with a glycosylated hemoglobin or A1C blood test was used to identify individuals with prediabetes, or at high risk for diabetes. Discusses the factors contributing to the high rates of diabetes and prediabetes, and the need to effectively lower the risks of diabetes in the state.

...diabetes. Discusses the factors contributing to the high rates of diabetes and prediabetes, and the need...

13. Implications of Rurality and Psychiatric Status for Diabetic Care Use among Adults with Diabetes
Date: May 2014

Examines patterns of diabetic preventive care use among adults with diabetes to determine whether these patterns varied according to respondents' rural/urban residence or psychiatric status (i.e. the presence/absence of a mental health diagnosis).

...Diabetic Care Use among Adults with Diabetes --- Examines patterns of diabetic preventive care use among...

14. The Special Diabetes Program for Indians: Estimates of Medicare Savings
Date: May 2019

Examines the potential Medicare savings due to the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) efforts in providing diabetes prevention and treatment services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Focuses on diabetes prevalence and end-stage renal disease related to diabetes. Appendix II includes additional information about the SDPI.

...Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) efforts in providing diabetes prevention and treatment services to American...

15. Geospatial Analysis of the Social Determinants of Health of Participants of a Diabetes Management Program to Evaluate Enrollment of Vulnerable Populations
Date: Aug 2024

Details the creation of the the Diabetes Burden Index (DBI) tool, which utilizes social determinant of health data including income, educational attainment, and distance to the nearest grocery store, pharmacy, and hospital, to estimate the the burden of managing diabetes and other chronic conditions by ZIP code in South Carolina. Discusses how identifying at-risk populations can improve diabetes management interventions and reduce diabetes burden in underserved communities.

...Diabetes Management Program to Evaluate Enrollment of Vulnerable Populations --- Details the creation of the the Diabetes...

16. Native Americans with Diabetes: Better Diabetes Care Can Decrease Kidney Disease
Date: Jan 2017

Provides an overview of diabetes and related kidney disease among American Indians and Alaska Natives. Describes an Indian Health Service (IHS) approach using population health and team-based approaches to diabetes and kidney care.

...Diabetes: Better Diabetes Care Can Decrease Kidney Disease --- Provides an overview of diabetes and related...

17. Access to Care and Diabetes Management among Older American Indians with Type 2 Diabetes
Date: Mar 2016

Highlights a study on the role of healthcare access in diabetes management among American Indians over 50 with type 2 diabetes. Breaks down data by socio-demographic information, travel time to source of care, and availability of transportation.

...Diabetes Management among Older American Indians with Type 2 Diabetes --- Highlights a study on the role...

18. The Changing Burden of Diabetes in Rural and Urban America
Date: Apr 2019

Recording and slides from an April 29, 2019 webinar with Timothy Callaghan and Alva O. Ferdinand from the Texas A&M University School of Public Heath. Provides an overview of diabetes mortality and trends in rural and urban areas. Covers data on in-hospital diabetes mortality, predictors of emergency department initiated diabetes care, and progress towards Healthy People 2020 goals to reduce diabetes mortality.

...diabetes mortality and trends in rural and urban areas. Covers data on in-hospital diabetes...

19. Prevent or Treat: Availability of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Dialysis in High Need Rural Counties
Date: Mar 2024

Discusses availability of diabetes self-management education (DSME) and dialysis to treat end stage kidney disease in rural areas. Features county-level maps showing estimated proportion of the adult population with diabetes, counties with at least one DSME program, and DSME availability and county diabetes prevalence. Includes statistics on relationship between DSME availability within a county and estimated percent of adults with diabetes by rurality, as of 2022.

...Diabetes Self-Management Education and Dialysis in High Need Rural Counties --- Discusses availability of diabetes...

20. Disparities in Diabetes Care: Differences Between Rural and Urban Patients Within a Large Health System
Date: May 2023

Examines rural versus urban residence and the related impact on a patient's quality of diabetes care. Analyzes 2019 data of 45,279 patients with diabetes in a large healthcare system, comparing rural versus urban outcomes of 5 diabetes care metrics. Discusses health disparities in diabetes care based on geography.

...diabetes care. Analyzes 2019 data of 45,279 patients with diabetes in a large healthcare...