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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Community-Wide Efforts to Improve the Consumer Food Environment and Physical Activity Resources in Rural Kentucky
Highlights the efforts of a community project in Kentucky to increase access to healthy foods and opportunities to be physically active. Details the project's work with grocery store managers to increase the availability of healthy food and with community members to develop and improve physical activity resources.
Author(s): Alison Gustafson, Margaret McGladrey,Tammy Stephenson, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 16:180322
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
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Characteristics of School-Associated Youth Homicides — United States, 1994–2018
Examines school-associated youth homicides based on data for single-victim homicides during July 1994-June 2016 and multiple-victim incidents during July 1994-June 2018. Includes information by school locale for rural, suburban, and urban schools.
Author(s): Kristin M. Holland, Jeffrey E. Hall, Jing Wang, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 68(3), 53-60
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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2020 Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivators Study (CBAMS) Focus Group Final Report
Reports on focus groups with people less likely to respond to the U.S. Census to help inform efforts to increase response rates, including rural residents and people from difference racial and ethnic backgrounds. Addresses reasons for not responding, motivations for responding, and barriers to Census response. Covers issues such as potential inclusion of a question on citizenship, preferred method of completion, uses of the Census data, and more.
Author(s): Sarah Evans, Jenna Levy, Jennifer Miller-Gonzalez, et al.
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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Opioid-Related Hospital Stays Among Women in the United States, 2016
Examines opioid-related hospitalizations among women 15 years of age and older. Provides data by location of patient residence for large metropolitan, small/medium metro, and micropolitan/noncore (rural) areas addressing: opioid-related compared to non-opioid stays; co-occurring mental disorder or pregnancy/childbirth; stays related to opioid abuse/dependence, opioid adverse events, and opioid poisoning/self-harm; and patient race/ethnicity by location of residence.
Author(s): Audrey J. Weiss, Kimberly W. McDermott, Kevin C. Heslin
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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San Joaquin Valley Latino Immigrants: Implications of Survey Findings for Census 2020
Examines how 2020 Census collection methods could affect data accuracy for the San Joaquin Valley, a large, rural agricultural area with a significant Latino immigrant population. Focuses on the impact of whether the Census included a citizenship question and addresses impacts of other factors on response rate, including internet access, mail delivery, and more. Discusses the potential impacts of undercounting on program funding and other areas.
Author(s): Edward Kissam, Richard Mines, Cindy Quezada, Jo Ann Intili, Gail Wadsworth
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: California Institute for Rural Studies
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Association of Pharmaceutical Industry Marketing of Opioid Products With Mortality From Opioid-Related Overdoses
Highlights a study on the correlation between the marketing of opioids and opioid overdose mortality at a county-level. Breaks down data by participants' age, census region, and metro versus nonmetro location, among other factors.
Author(s): Scott E. Hadland, Ariadne Rivera-Aguirre, Brandon D. L. Marshall, Magdalena Cerdá
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 2(1)
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
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Opioid Prescribing Rates in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Counties Among Primary Care Providers Using an Electronic Health Record System — United States, 2014–2017
Examines opioid prescribing rates among primary care providers for six urban-rural classification categories of counties, before and after the March 2016 release of CDC's Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain.
Author(s): Macarena C. García, Charles M. Heilig, Scott H. Lee, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 68(2), 25-30
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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AKVDRS Suicide Death Update - Alaska, 2012-2017
Details a study on the suicide death rate in Alaska from 2012-2017. Features rates for American Indian and Alaska Native, by substance use, and by region.
Citation: State of Alaska Epidemiology Bulletin, 1
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
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Rural-Urban Differences in Baseline Dietary Intake and Physical Activity Levels of Adolescents
Analyzes data on dietary intake and physical activity for 940 9th and 10th graders in 8 high schools in the southwestern U.S. from 2014-2017. Features demographic statistics including breakdowns by population density of less than and greater than 1,000 people per square mile.
Author(s): Renee Euler, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Sarah Sanders, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 16
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
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Looking at Vision-related Data: Research Gaps and Eye Care Guidelines
Features new data collection efforts underway to better understand vision care needs. Also discusses screening guidelines and their role in rural vision care.
Author(s): Kay Miller Temple
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 01/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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